Chapter 1: The Day It Happened.

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The day Aizawa and Yagi went out on patrol.

Yagi was sat at his computer desk grading papers for Class 1-A. He groaned quietly and rubbed his temple, leaning back in his chair. 'Grading these papers are taking longer then I thought.' He thought to himself before leaning forward again and getting back to grading.

After what seemed like forever for Yagi, he had finally finished up his paperwork for the day. The blonde stretched in his seat then slumped back down, closing his eyes.

His eyes darted back open when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. Toshinori's eyes were met with Aizawa standing over him. Jolting up, he splits out blood. "A-Aizawa! I wasn't sleeping or anything. I was just resting my eyes!" The larger man said frantically, tidying his papers away.

"I didn't think you were sleeping, idiot." The raven haired man sighed, rolling his eyes. "You insisted on coming with me on my patrol today and I'm about to leave. That's the only reason I'm here, All Might." Aizawa scoffed coldly. 'Shit, I forgot that was today." Yagi thought to himself. All Might quickly finished up tidying his desk.

Yagi beefed up into his hero form and gives the smaller hero a thumbs up, smiling. "Of course! Let's get going then!" He beamed with a small laugh, making Aizawa roll his eyes.

They both walk out of the school together side by side as they made their way to Aizawa's designated area for patrol for the day. All was silent as they walked until one spoke up. "Why did you insist on coming with me, All Might?" The erasure hero spoke, shoving his hands into his pockets as he looked around at the area around him.

All Might looked down at Aizawa, taken aback by the question. "Well I-" the no.1 hero started but got cut off by an explosion of blue flames coming from the building in front of them. "Hold that thought, I'll deal with this!" All Might exclaimed rushing off.

"This is my patrol All Might. I'm not going to sit back and do nothing." Aizawa yelled, putting his goggles on and swings into the building using his capture weapon. The erasure hero smacked through a window to the 3rd floor. The man looked around as blue flames surrounded him. "Who's there?!" He yelled. "Come out Villain!" The flames got more intense as the building around him became more and more unstable.

"I knew you couldn't resist coming here, Eraserhead." A voice spoke as a figure reveals itself from behind the wall. "However, I didn't expect you to come here with the No.1 hero. It's a good thing we took precautions in case he showed up." The patchy man stated with a smirk. Aizawa looks out a window and onto the street where All Might was fighting a swarm of villains on his own. The teacher scowled at the other man in front of him, his eyes flashing crimson and his hair floating from his shoulders, erasing his quirk.


Sirens could be heard, surrounded the area around the building. Offices everywhere to keep citizens back from the burning building. All Might had knocked all the Villains out that swarmed him and was helping the police lock them all up. "Tsukauchi!" The No.1 hero yelled to his friend and rushed over. "We aren't done here. Eraserhead is still in there. I need to go get him." He says terrified then goes to leap into the burning building but was stopped by the officer.

"All Might you can't! The building is unstable, it could collapse any minute. It's not safe! Eraserhead is more then capable to get out of there himself. Besides you are already at your limit you need to get out of here!" Tsukauchi bellowed to All Might, stopping him in his tracks. Yagi scoffed and he coughed up blood with a high wheeze. 'Damn it. Why now?' Toshinori cursed to himself. Suddenly the building in front of him were engulfed in blue raging flames as the building began to collapse.

"Everyone get out of here right now!" The No.1 hero yelled to the officers as he helped them all to safety. The building collapsed onto the street and the blue flames slowly disappeared. Yagi's eyes widened as he looked at the destruction in front of him. "Eraser!" He almost screamed, setting his friend down and rushes to the rubble. All Might rummages through the rubble looking for his dear friend, although he would never call him that out load. There was no sign of Aizawa anywhere.

Finally Toshi found something however it wasn't that he wanted to see. He was stood there shaking, looking down what was in his hands.

It was Aizawa's goggles, all bloody and damaged.

The large man clutched the goggles in his hand, looking up at the sky, screaming out his friends name at the top of his lungs. He tried to hold back tears but to no avail. An officer walks over to Toshinori and tilts her head. "Sir?" She started softly. "Tsukauchi, would like to speak with you" she added as the No.1 hero turned to face her with tears in his eyes. The female officer quickly walked off as Tsukauchi raced over to All Might.

"Who was that?" Tsukauchi asked, watching her walk away and disappear into an ally.

"You don't know her?" All Might said confused and his friend shook his head.


The female officer slowly walks down the ally as her phone starts to ring. She picks up her phone and answers as her skin slowly melts away, slipping onto the floor. "Well that went better then I thought!" She said with a giggle. "I got the delicious blood Shiggy asked for! Did you hold up your end of this mission, Dabi?" She said a little louder with a massive grin on her face.

"Of course I did you crazy bastard. Now get back to based. Part two of this plan is going to be fun."

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