3- Anticipation

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--Hallway, Saturday--

Its 30 minutes before the game.
Draco, Pansy, and Blaise are heading to the classroom they plan to use. Pansy walks in first, then Blaise, then the reluctant Draco.

Draco: Im not to sure about this Pansy..

Pansy: Oh stop pouting Draco. Itll be fun!

Blaise: Yeah.

Pansy: Now, we just have to move these desks out of the way.

Draco, Pansy, and Blaise move the desks and a few minutes later, Hermione walks in.

Draco: Hey Granger.

Hermione: Hello Malfoy.

Harry, Ginny, and Ron walk in and stare at the 3 Slytherins. Draco and Blaise stare right back at them.

*Harry's Pov*

Hermione led us to a class room. She walked in and me, Ginny and Ron were wondering who all was going to be there.

I walk in to see Malfoy, Zabini, and Parkinson Sitting on a desk. Me, Ginny, and Ron stare at them. Parkinson gets up and Hermione hugs her. Hugs Her?!

*Draco's Pov*

Pansy made me and Blaise move the desks while she moved the chairs. We sat down on a desk and started talking.

Blaise: So, who all is coming?

Pansy: Its a surprise Blaise. Ive told you this.

Blaise: Well I thought since we're here you would tell me.

Draco: Nah, she's being stubborn.

Pansy: I am not!

Draco: You are.

Pansy: If anything you two are being stubborn!

Blaise: No we arnt, we just want to-

Suddenly someone opened the door. It was Granger.

Draco: Hey Granger.

Hermione: Hello Malfoy.

3 people walked in behind her. I looked and saw...
Potter, Weasley, and Weaslette?!

Me and Blaise were staring at them when Pansy got up hugged Granger. Were they friends? Well I guess they must be...
But why did she have to invite them?!

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