10- Never have I ever

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--Classroom, Saturday--

*Third Person*

Pansy, Hermione, Draco, Ron, Blaise, and Harry are sitting in a circle. Ginny decided not to come this time.

Pansy: Okay, so. You all have 10 slips of paper. When someone says something you've done, you put it in the middle, also if you ask the question. First one empty-handed wins. Got it?

Everyone: Got it.

Pansy: Okay. Who wants to ask the first question?

Ron: Me!

Harry: Me!

Pansy: Oh- Uh-

Blaise: I heard Weasley first, so.

Pansy: Okay then, Weasley you go-

Harry: Not fair!

Hermione: He won, fair and square.

Harry: Ugh.

Ron: Never have I ever... Snuck out?

Everyone puts a slip of paper in the middle.

Draco: Great question, Weasley.

Ron: Oh shut up, Malfoy!

Pansy: Potter. Youre turn.

Harry: Ok.. Uh.. Never have I ever... Had a.... Had a crush on a person of the same gender..?

Pansy and Harry put a paper in the middle.

Hermione: Oh- Wow-

Pansy: Yeah.


Pansy: Um... Draco?

Draco: What?

Pansy: Arent you going to put a paper in the middle.

Everyone stares at Draco.

Draco: N-no? Why would I?

Pansy: Because your absolutely in love with Pot-

Draco covers her mouth with his hand.

Draco: Not in front of everyone!

He swiftly puts a paper in the middle and stares at his hands

Draco: And it's not love.

Pansy: Sure, Dray.

Harry: Huh..

Ron: Wow. Never expected that...

Draco: Shut it, Weasley!

Blaise: You don't have to be so mean to him.

Draco: Ugh, whatever.

The game continued as usual. People asking dirty or weird questions. It was fun until Blaise asked...

Blaise: Never have I ever made out with Potter in a closet.

He said that, the whole time smirking at Draco.

Draco: Seriously?! I told you we didnt do anything!

Blaise: Oh come on! You both came out with messed up hair and red faces.

Draco: Yeah! But thats not... Not because we were snogging!

Blaise: Ugh, whatever Draco. Next person.

Draco: No! I want to know why you keep saying that!

Pansy: Just drop it Draco! He's just being stupid.

Draco: Whatever.

The mood dampened after that. They all decided to head out early.

*Draco's Pov*

Ugh! I cant believe Blaise actually asked that. In front of everyone! Merlin, why cant he just believe me.

Harry: Hey! Malfoy, wait up!

Draco: Hm? What is it Potter?

Harry: Um... Does.. Does Zabini actually think we..

Draco: Unfortunately, yes he does. He wont believe me no matter what I say.

Harry: haha.... He's uh..

Draco: A dumbass?

Harry: Uh, yeah.... haha...


Draco: You good?

Harry: Yeah.. Just, could you ask Parkinson about next Saturday?

Draco: You- Want to do that again?

Harry: Yeah..

Draco: Uh.. Okay..

Harry: Thanks....


Authors Note.

Thank you for reading, anyone that is! I know this is really bad, but it's my first story. I appreciate everyone who is still here reading.
Thank you!

~Kris Kringle

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