23- The Help

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--outside dumbledore's office, thursday--

*third person*

draco was sitting nervously outside the office. he was going to ask for help with keeping him and his mother safe.

soon mcgonagall walked out.

mcgonagall: you may enter now, mr.malfoy.

draco: thank you.

he walked in, contemplating this decision. could this really help?

--slytherin common room--

*pansy's pov*

well. i finally convinced drakie to get some help! he is up there right now explaining everything. i am so proud of him! i really hope everything goes well.

millicent: hey pans,

pansy: hi millicent.

millicent: where's draco?

pansy: dumbledore.

millicent: what'd he do?

pansy: he didn't do anything.

millicent: then why is he there.

pansy: for help.

millicent: couldn't he of just asked you or something?

pansy: it's... complicated.

millicent: oooookay?

*millicent's pov*

what could he need help with that he would need to go to dumbledore? i wonder what's wrong. does he want a schedule change? no.. he wouldn't have to go to dumbledore for that.
is.. is he in danger?! oh merlin what if he is! i need daph.

millicent: where's daphne?

pansy: in the dorm.

millicent: thank you!

--daphne's dorm--

*daphne's pov*

hmmm.. pink? no, i don't look good in pink. yellow? maybe...

millicent: daphne!

daphne: ah! millie you scared me!

millicent: do you know why draco is in dumbledore's office?

daphne: no..? he is? why?

millicent: i thought it might have something to do with what he told us! he said 'she will tell everyone', 'he will be mad', remember?

daphne: oh! what if he's in danger?!

millicent: that's what i was worried about!

daphne: did you ask pansy if she knew anything?

millicent: she said it was complicated.

daphne: oh.. well, uh...

millicent: what?

daphne: if pansy knows and she isn't worried, we shouldn't worry, right?

millicent: but what if he didnt tell her everything! you know how secretive he is!

daphne: we should find blaise and ask. him and draco are closer than him and pansy, right?

millicent: i think so-

daphne: great! he should be in the library, lets go!


*harry's pov*

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