|𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧|

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he's waiting he puts my bag in the car and helps me in and he gets in and starts driving I say how are you? He says I'm alright you? I say I'm okay we get to his private airport and he helps me out and he opens the trunk for the baggage handlers and we walk up to his plane and he lets me go on first and We sit with each other and it takes off after maybe 20 minutes and after about 15 minutes in the air he takes out his laptop and starts working
𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐚 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭

Were pulling up to this expensive hotel he gets out and helps me out and he grabs our things and we go in he gets two suites and they give us cards and we go up and he drops me off and he says I'm next door if you need me I'll scoop you in an hour for dinner I say okay and go in and I close the door and I go to the room and place my bag on the bed and I open it and pick out undergarments and a dress and I shower and get ready and I hear a knock as I finish my hair I put on heels and go to the door and I open it and he looks so handsome he says hi I say hi he says ready? I say yes we leave out and he takes me to this restaurant inside of the hotel and he leads me to a secluded table and he pulls out a chair for me and I sit and he sits across from me and a waiter comes he says I'm Derek I'll be your server what can I get for you? Mr Morgan says a bottle of red wine he goes to get it I say what do I call you when we're not at work? He says call me Jacques I say okay soon Derek returns and he gives Jacques the chilled bottle and he says ready to order Jacques orders for us which I like when he does and Derek leaves and he opens the bottle and pours us both a glass and he sits it down and after awhile our food comes and we begin eating and we finish and he pays and we leave out he says Their's a beach I would like to take you to I say tonight? He smiles and says yes I say okay and he leads me out to the car and we get in and he drives about an hour out to this beach and it's absolutely breath taking he comes around to my side I slip off my heels and step out and the sand feels good under my feet he leads me down to the water and it's beautiful he says do you like it? I say I love it he says I knew you would we spend a few hours there and head back
I invite him in and he agrees he orders a bottle of wine and it comes soon and we have a few glasses and I look at him and he's looking at me and I look into his pretty eyes and he says I want to kiss you I say kiss me then he leans down and he kisses my lips and I return it and his lips are soft the kiss gets heated we pull away and he says I gotta go and he rushes out I grab my phone and call mich she answers and says hey babe I say hey can we talk she says always I say h.he kissed me she says did you have sex? I say no he rushed out after she says I think he wants to fuck you and he had to stop himself from ripping your clothes off and pounding you I say Mich she says what? I'm serious atleast now we know he likes you I say yeah

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