|𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞|

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he says I'm not gonna tell you about my personal business I yell just tell me if it's fucking true! He yells yes! I look up at him and say that's all you had to say he says if you left after I told you? I say I wouldn't have he says I'm not letting you leave me Apalachia I say okay he says go get dressed you got 30 minutes I go in and to my room and she says well? I say we uh fixed it she says good I shower quickly and get dressed and I go down and out the door and he helps me in and he gets in and he drives in silence
𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐚 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭

Soon we pull up to tall steel black gates and the security let's us in and he drives in and I say where are we? He says My estate after 20 minutes of driving through the beautiful landscaping we come to a mansion bigger then his parents he helps me out and we go in and he says I want to have sex with you I say y.you do? He says I do and he leads me upstairs and down a long hall and to the last door on the right he opens it and leads me in and he closes the door and he takes me further in and he says May I? I say y.yes he says come I go to him and he unzips my dress and slips it off my shoulders and it pools at my feet he unclips my bra and takes it off me and he slips off my panties and he steps back and he looks at me and I get shy he says beautiful I begin to blush he picks me up and lays me down and he undresses in front of me and he's very big in length and girth he gets between my legs and I say wait he looks up to me I say I.im a uh virgin he looks surprised he says what? I say I'm sorry he says Apple I say I want you to he says your sure? I say yes he puts his thick tip against my entrance and he says ready? I say yes he slips into me and he eases himself into me inch by inch wiping my tears as they fall soon he gets all the way in and he kisses my lips and I return it I start to feel no pain I say you can move he pulls out to the tip my blood coating his cock he begins moving in and out of me and it starts to feel so good my moans begin to get louder and louder and he makes me orgasm so many times
I'm walking in she says hey I say hey she says you look different I say how? She says did you have sex with him? I turn red she screams I say shh shh she says was it good? I say very she says was it big? I say really big she says oh my gosh finally! I go to my room and I run a bath and add bubbles and I get in and I close my eyes and relax
I'm walking into the office I go to his office and open it I see him he looks so handsome I say hi he says hello Ms. Scott I smile and say Ms. Scott? He says mhm I say alright Mr. Morgan he says I have some files for you I go further in and he gives me a stack of files he says in- I say input the data and file them I know he says good I say are you joining me for lunch? He says yes Ms. Scott I say good and I leave out and it takes half an hour

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