Danger Above

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It was another quiet morning on Bob's farm. He's been stress free ever since Joe pelted tomatoes into his crops a few days ago and had to spend a few hours cleaning them off with water the afternoon it happened. He was back out into the field today as he had to wake up earlier than usual to check up on his herd. And he also had to tend to his corn crops so he can harvest them for an event coming up since he was planning on making his famous corn on a cob. Yeah Bob plants potatoes, but it really isn't his only crops since his primary type of plants are vegetables. As he was walking around with a basket collecting the corn, a distant squawk was heard.

"Oh dear, here they come again..." Bob said to himself in disbelief.

Whenever the Irish farmer was working on his corn crops for a harvest, there was always a convenient timing for something bad to happen. And when a squawk is heard nearby, it means the crows were coming. And there is usually a particular flock of crows that bug Bob a lot, and it's been notorious for them to ruin everyone's corn crops within the fields around Bob's farm. There is also a leader within it, and Bob gave him a special nickname. And that name being...

"Corbett..." Bob says in a determined tone.

"I'm not gonna let you ruin my corn this time!"

Over in the distance, the flock of crows were flying towards Bob's field, and Corbett the crow was leading them. As they got closer, Bob ran to put up his scarecrow. Unfortunately, it appeared to be withered and beaten up, making it not intimidating as it originally was. His scarecrow usually served as the main use to get rid of Corbett and the gang of crows

"Oh shucks, my scarecrow! This can't be good at all." Bob said to himself, trying to come up with a strategy to make the crows flock off to somewhere else.

As he stood still looking at his corn crops with a worried look, Corbett, the crow that was slightly larger than his flock and was known to be pretty hostile when approached, landed on a wooden fence that the crops sit by. He flapped his wings a bit and landed by grasping onto the fence with his talons as 7 other crows landed on the sides of him as well. The mean crow let out a squawk as if it were commanding the flock to start digging into Bob's corn, and a moment of realization struck the farmer. But Corbett started pecking into the corn, and Bob quickly ran towards the fence trying to shoo them off, but ended up getting pecked in the hand pretty badly instead.

"Darn it! That hurt!" Bob shouted as he held his hand with his other.

"You're lucky though, I know how to get rid of ya'll this time!"

Bob looked over to the house and whistled pretty loudly as if he were calling for something. His dog, Zoe, a border collie, ran out of the house. She then ran over to his master and sat awaiting for a command. Bob looks back at the crows for a second while they kept digging into the corn with their beaks and made a smug face.

"Alright. Zoe, shoo those bird brains away!" Bob commanded, pointing at Corbett and the other crows on the fence.

The border collie did as instructed, and ran to the fence. She began to both growl and bark to strike intimidation into the annoying birds and it somehow worked! Corbett turned around and quickly squawked, flying off the fence and into the sky as fast he could with the other crows to get away from the dog before they ended up as chow.

"Aha! Good girl Zoe, you're a good dog..." Bob said happily as he pat his dog on the head, relieved as the bird threat is over now.

 Zoe happily barked and ran back towards the house to go rest. Bob then started to shuck the corn that Corbett and his flocked pecked into and threw them aside since they were now ruined. He also shucked some other corn crops that were fresh and ready to go to be made into his famous corn on a cob so he could bring it to the event he was invited to! Corbett may have been a really threatening bird. But when faced by a predator, its at that time you should know to back down and scurry away just like the birdbrain did. As it was another typical day in Bob's life, at least things were now back to normal and on track once more.

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