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Once upon a time there was a girl named Nani.

And she was raised in a lion family.

One day she went for a walk and met a lion, but a lion she had never seen before and she had actually seen all lions before.

Suddenly the lion grabbed the girl and ran away with her.

When he stopped she was completely confused but the worst thing was that she didn't even know where she was and usually she always knew where she was.

But what should she do because she is under the control of a lion she has never seen.

It doesn't even help her to know where she is.

So she went to sleep.

When she woke up the next morning, she was back in her corner with the lions, because she just had a bad dream.


I wrote this when I was like eight years old so yeah. xD
If I remember correctly, I wrote this as a gift for my mother. I bet she was very happy to get such a nice present. Not. 😃

~ me

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