Previously on 2055

155 7 0

Egypt Saint Royal Johnson

After I put Kai in the car I headed home my security was with me all of a sudden I see blue lights behind us.

We then pulled over a cop came to my window license and registration

For what I asked him

Just so what I said the fat man responded I just looked at him and laughed.

He then put the light on me and then Kai ay bruh chill fuck wrong witchu I said

Sir are you going to show me your license and registration.

I then just handed it to him he then walked back to his car.

10 minutes later he came back I ran your name I see you have an assault charge on your record.

Ok and I replied

Stay outta trouble mr Royale and then he walked away.

I than let them pull off first by now kai was crying.

Shhh go back to sleep but he wouldn't stop crying I then sped home and got out and walked into the house with Kai

I gave him his bottle and put him down.

I know it's short 😅

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