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~Will's point~ 

We walked into the house as the door opened

"It's a bit dark" my father said looking around and my mother nudged him to be quiet.

"The Solace father my lord" the man who opened the door say the the head of the house. Who shooed him away.

"Smile dear" I heard the woman next to him whisper and he put on a forced smile that was actually quite terrifying looking.

"Well. Welcome to our home" he said

"Thank you" my mother said politely

"Come, let us go have some tea in the drawing room shall we" the lady of the house said walking away with my parents and her husband following. I started to follow before I saw a piano. I sat down need to calm my nerves. I began to play Forbidden Love

"That's a beautiful song" I heard a woman said half way through. I jumped up in surprise and knocked over the bench I was sitting on.

"Sorry, did I startle you?" She asked

"Just a little" I said with a laugh as I picked up the bench.

"What's the song called" she asked

"Forbidden Love" I said with a far away look.

She sighed and sat down on the bench and fingered the keys of the piano for a moment before speaking.

"You have someone you love?" She asked

"Not at the moment" I said.

"Look, William-" She started to say but I cut her off

"Please. My parents call me that when they're mad at me, just call me Will" I said

"Ok. Well you see Will-" she started but was cut off again by her mother who she looked nothing like.

"You two should not be alone together!" She yelled

"Come we have a rehearsal to do" she said waving us to follow. I followed as slowly as I could.

"William!" A man yelled and I winced
At my name.

"Try it again" the man said with a sigh as he rubbed his forehead.

"Sorry" I said for the hundredth time.

"Please stop apologizing and just get it right" The man said though gritted teeth.

"Now repeat the following. With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your nectar. With this candle, I will light your way into darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine." He said

I took a deep breath before speaking
"With my hand, I-" I said

"THIS hand!" he yelled cutting me off.

"With this hand, I will......I will lift....your hand?" I said in a questioning way

"Your sorrows" the man said

"Right. With this hand, I will lift your sorrows........something about a cup?" I said. And the man took a deep sigh as the doorball rang.

"Go got that" the lord of the house said sounding very annoyed. A moment later the servant came back.

"A Lord Tanaka." He announced as a young man walked in.

"Sorry but by the looks of it I'm a day earlier. Is it ok if I sit?"

"Of course" the lady of the house said snapping her fingers and a servant brought a chair over for him to sit in.

"Let's try again" the man in front of me said.

"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows" I said taking her hand and walked forward and walking into the table

"It's three step! Three. You act as if you don't want to be married!" That man yelled

"I don't" I said before looking back at my parents and seeing their faces

"That is I don't want to mess it up" I said with a nervous laugh.

"Please tell me you at least have the ring?" He asked.

"Oh, yes...hold on" I said setting the candle I was holding down.

"MR. SOLACE!" The man yelled

"What?" I asked looking up confused before seeing the I had set the table on fire by setting a lit candle down on it.

I panicked and started fanning the flames trying to put them out but it wasn't working. I quickly grabbed a curtain from the window and after ripping it off I hit the fire with it which only catch the curtain on fire as well. Then out of nowhere water was splashed all over me and the fire in front of me. I looked but to see the man who had just come in set down a bucket.

"Well that could have ended badly" he said as he sat back down.

"Young man, if you can not learn your vows this wedding will never take place" the priest said.

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