She was into neonatal and fetal. He was into plastics.
She was quiet. He was loud.
She was sweet. He was arrogant.
And yet he was attracted to her not only in the way she loved what she did but how she handled everything with such grace that it...
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Disappointment. It happens to the best and worst of us every now and then. I mean we can't all be perfect. We're humans and we are imperfectly flawed. We make mistakes. We fall in love. We get our heart broken. We hurt those we love. And worst of all if we least expect it - we lose ourselves. And that's the biggest disappointment of them all.
"Yeah, I kind of already knew," Alison said as she paced back and forth as Derek stood in the hallway with his arms crossed as he watched his person reveal the secret.
"How did you already know?" Derek asked confused. "No one in this hospital knew."
"Except me. I watched one of his surgeries and Cristina filled in for him doing a whip stitch. Why does Bailey want justice done against Burke and Yang? I mean they technically didn't do anything wrong..."
"Makes sense now," he commented as he made a face. "But how can you say they didn't do anything wrong?" Derek exclaims. "He had Yang performing his surgeries for him basically. That's what Bailey is saying is wrong."
"But on the plus side no one died from them. So this isn't like Denny's situation," Alison pointed out and Derek sighed.
"I agree with you. I don't really know why Bailey wants justice done."
"Can I just say something and you promise not to hate me?" She asked as she suddenly stopped and looked at him.
"Depends on what it is," he teased her as he smiled at her.
"When you were doing his post-op eval, why did you clear him? I mean you're his surgeon, like you said. And as his surgeon you are supposed to know these things because oh I don't know they're kind of important," she said making him kind of smile and shake his head at her trying to make light of a heavy situation. "Were you distracted that day or something? Or asked the right questions? I'm not questioning you as a doctor, I promise. I know you're the best neurosurgeon. But even the best of us make mistakes sometimes and that's okay but only if we own up to them and learn from them."
"No I-" He cut himself off because he remembered that he was distracted that day about Meredith.
"What?" She asked as her eyebrows furrowed.
"Ali you are a genius," he exclaimed as he smiled at his person. "Are you sure you aren't a therapist?"
"Oh didn't I tell you I'm a surgeon by day and therapist by night," he laughed at her comment and kissed her forehead before running away. "Your welcome!"
Alison finally understood why O'Malley told her to ask Cristina.
"Doctor Bailey?" Addison asked the short doctor. "Can I have Doctor Grey?"
"You can have them all," Bailey sassed back.
"This is none of my business but I just thought you might want to be warned."