Moving On

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There comes a point in all relationships when we have to move on

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There comes a point in all relationships when we have to move on.  It might harder for others to face the reality that you are no longer together.  One moves on easier than the other but if you are truly meant to be - you will find your way back to each other.  It may not be easy but no one ever said love was.  

* This is a combination of 4x8 and 4x11 episode.


"I can't believe Derek is on a date with someone other than Meredith," Alison said as she scrunched her nose and drank her beer.

"He needs to move on.  He's needed to move on," he told his girlfriend and she swatted his arm.

"Don't encourage it."

"It's true.  She's not good for him," he said eating the nuts and candy.

"Maybe they're not good for each other right now but one day they will be.  How would you think she would react after literally dying then coming back to life?"

"Not like this," Mark scoffed and shook his head.  "Not when you love someone.  I just don't like seeing Derek hurt anymore.  He deserves to be happy.  Even if that happiness is with someone else."

"You still love him," Alison said in a sing-song voice and it was his turn to shove her shoulder playfully making her laugh.

"Of course I do, we're brothers.  It's just - I really hurt him by cheating with Addison.  You know?  If anyone deserves happiness again, it's him.  Not me."

"Hey," Alison said as she put her hand on his cheek gently and made him look at her as he had sad eyes.  "Enough of that talk.  What did we already discuss?  You did a bad thing but that doesn't make you a bad person, yeah?"

"Alright," he rolled his eyes playfully and placed a gentle kiss on the inside of her wrist, making her heart melt.

The couple stopped focusing on them at the moment and moved their heads to watch their person who was currently on a date with Sydney.  If Alison were being honest - she couldn't believe it when Derek told her he asked Sydney out on a date.  Perky, happy, Sydney.  

Derek glanced over at Mark and Alison and Mark did a motion with his hands as he widened his eyes.  His attention then went back to Sydney then back to the couple.  Her pager buzzed as Mark and Alison took that as their cue to talk with him as Meredith was watching the whole thing a few tables away.

"Is she dying?" Mark asked as they sat down.  "Is that why?"

"Why what?" Derek asked.  "She's nice.  She asked me out."

"I'm going to fake a heart attack," Mark said as he shook his head.  "I do a great fake heart attack."

"He really does," Alison chimed in.  "Or I could fake fainting."

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