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Shoto sighed, "You sure this is going to work?"

Momo nodded, "What other chance do we have Shoto? If you guys get caught sooner or later, it's over."

"Yeah," Sero stood beside Shoto, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, "besides, we need to stay positive."

Shoto stayed quiet before nodding to himself.

"Okay, you guys are going to need a few things before you leave because if you die out there, that's going to suck," Momo said out of the blue as she began to pull off her shirt.

Sero closed his eyes shut and put his hands over his eyes, "Bro, can't you see I'm loyal-"

"It's my quirk dummy, don't feel special," Momo replied with a laugh as different things fell onto the floor, "you guys can pack these up and take these with you."

Shoto picked the items up and tossed them on the bed, "I'm going to go change, give me a second," he muttered before going to his closet. He could hear their voices through the thin walls.

"So, we have a lantern, a map, a compass, and a book? What's the book about?" Sero's voice asked.

"It's a survival book, it's hard to make but it's useful. It'll show you what you can eat, what to do when there's a storm, you know?" Momo's voice said after.

"Ohh, that's pretty smart." Sero laughed, "Although, I am taking Sho to a village to live."

"I'm aware, I guess I'm just nervous. Promise me that if he wants to come back, he can." Momo replied.

"Trust me, if he wants to come visit, I'll bring him in one piece,"

"Thank you,"

Shoto buttoned his pants up before tossing on a random shirt. He brushed his hair away from his eyes, the length now below his jaw line, and sighed deeply.

"Alright, so how are we leaving again?" Shoto asked as he came out of the closet.

"Basically, I'm going to start crying and run down stairs and say that I'm homesick. Hopefully Endeavor will fall for it and send me home and postpone the wedding. I'll come back up here, knock on the door 3 times and then you guys leave out the windows." Momo instructed as she pulled her shirt back on, "All of the guards are downstairs escorting guests, it's dark outside also so you guys should be easy to hide."

"Thank you so much, Momo," Shoto thanked, hugging the girl.

"No problem! This is mostly because I miss Jirou and this is too much to handle right now, so as long as my emotions are in check, pure sobbing will be sounded soon." Momo returned the hug before letting go, "Get ready lover boys."

She left the room with a little wave, her eyes glittering with tears. She closed the door behind her and left Shoto and Sero by themselves.

"So, are you ready?" Sero asked, sitting down on the comforter.

Shoto shrugged, sitting next to him, "I'm not sure, I really don't want to worry the kingdom and all."

"You won't, and maybe when we get away, we can have a kingdom on our own," Sero looked up at Shoto with a fond smile.

"Maybe we can."

The two sat in silence for a little bit, trying to process what's about to happen.

"I should probably pack this stuff up-"

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea-"

Shoto got up for a minute and grabbing a small, leather bag and tossing the items into it, "Do you wanna stop by the blacksmith before we leave town?"

"Yeah, there's a few things there I can't leave.." Sero replied quietly, "anyways, I wanted to ask you something."

The atmosphere suddenly thickened, Shoto's throat began to close up as his heart began to race. Remembering the events of that night will always stick to him and bring butterflies with it. "Yeah?"

"I know you said you weren't sure of you liking guys, but I tried to forget what happened. For some reason it still stuck. I wasn't sure why. Can you give me some kinda closure or like clarity?" Sero asked politely.

Shoto stayed quiet, letting his words settle on his tongue, "Sero I never realized this but I realized that a relationship doesn't always have to be a man and a woman. Sero, you made me realize that. Plus I'm leaving my kingdom just to be with you, why would I not like you?"

"I don't know, maybe I wasn't your type or maybe you did like girls? Which there's nothing wrong with that but it was just so confusing." Sero admitted.

Shoto placed his hands on Sero's shoulders, "I don't care what I said before, I wasn't thinking right. Something about the way we met and the way we continue to meet back up means something to me. I like you, a lot."

Sero looked at Shoto with eyes full of genuine love, "I love you Sho.."

"I love you too Sero."

Their eyes locked with sincere fondness as Sero began to lean in.

Knock knock knock!

"That's the cue," Sero pulled away, rushing to the window.

Shoto froze, stuck in fear. Sero turned around and noticed Shoto, frozen in place.

"C'mon," he extended a hand, "let's get away, shall we?"

His reassuring voice lured Shoto in as he grabbed Sero's hand, the bag in his other. Sero launched a line of tape to a tree before jumping out, Shoto with him. they swung from tree to tree before reaching the town. It felt like the night Sero confessed, the wind blowing in Shoto's hair and the rush of adrenaline with every few drops.

"Alright, let's go the blacksmith real quick." Sero muttered as they landed on a tree branch. He tightened his grip around Shoto's waist to ensure the other felt safe before they swung towards the blacksmith.

Shoto's stomach filled with butterflies as they landed softly outside of the blacksmith. They rushed inside and Shoto saw Sero grab something. He picked it up and threw it down, glass shattering.

It was a picture frame.

He grabbed the picture out of the shattered glass, "Alright, let's go."

"What's that?" Shoto asked as they left the building.

"A picture of my parents," Sero smiled softly, stuffing the picture into the bag, "but, let's get a move on, we don't want to be caught."

The two rushed outside before freezing.

"Shoto Todoroki, we were told to escort you back to the castle."



and also for my og readers it will feel like u already read this cuz u already did

it's just been updated and rewritten so uh


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