Chapter 1

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Arthur maneuvered around the guests crowding the great hall, scanning the throng of people for Merlin. Where was that idiotic servant? Gaius said that Merlin had recovered enough from his wounds to attend the feast held in honour of Arthur's latest quest. Arthur had come back unscathed, but Merlin had been struck by an arrow, courtesy of some mercenaries.

Arthur was so preoccupied with searching for Merlin, and keeping his goblet from spilling from all the pushing and shoving of the crowd, he bumped right into his father.

"Ah, Arthur! Just the man I was hoping to see," Uther jovially clapped his hand against Arthur's shoulder. "I want you to meet the Princess Elwyn of Deira, and her father, King Edmund of Deira" He lowered his voice so only Arthur could hear. "She'll make a powerful ally, so it would be wise to think of her as a potential marriage prospect." Uther made the proper introductions, and Arthur tried to be polite, but Princess Elwyn kept up a steady stream of chatter, and he was getting worried and impatient. Was Merlin still hurting badly? Where was the clotpole? Why was he even worrying so much over him anyways?

He broke out of his reverie to see Princess Elwyn, her father, and Uther staring expectantly at him.

"S-sorry?" He stuttered, feeling embarrassed.

"I asked if your quest was terribly frightening and how you had the bravery to go on such a perilous excursion because the only dangerous thing to happen to me was when I was ten and my pony threw me because I was getting to big and heavy for her to carry me my nursemaid said I was very brave but I cried buckets not because I was hurt but because I was so upset that I would have to get a bigger horse but I don't think that counts as bravery don't you think? Anyways-"

Just then, the crowd parted and Arthur caught sight of a familiar raven-haired boy.

He turned to Princess Elwyn. "It was lovely to meet you my lady, but I must attend to other guests presently," He gave a quick bow to her, and her father. Then practically knocked other guests aside to get to Merlin, who was holding a pitcher, and tray full of goblets.

As Arthur approached, Merlin turned, and gave him a smile. Though it was a small, tired smile, it made Arthur feel strangely shy.

"Don't you ever leave me at a party alone again. Princess Elwyn wouldn't stop chattering. She could talk the ears off of a deaf man." Merlin rewarded him with a hearty chuckle, which ended in a wheezy sort of breathing. Worried, Arthur handed off his tray and pitcher to another serving man, led Merlin outside, and helped him sit down at a bench. His breath hitched a bit when Merlin looked up at him, with his dark hair mussed, and his eyes reflecting the silvery moonlight. 

I don't know about y'all but I relate to Princess Elwyn on a spiritual level. I'll post chapter 2 soon probably. Probably. Also I take constructful criticism, but please, no hate. xoxo lovies. 

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