Chapter 7

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Arthur woke up, feeling warm, and comfortable. He wondered why that was. He opened his eyes, but he couldn't see anything. Arthur realized his head was against someone's neck, and as he craned his neck back he could see it was a familiar black-haired boy. His arms were wrapped around Merlin's waist, and his chest was pressed right up against his back. It was almost like they were molded together.

Slowly, so as not to wake Merlin, he gently moved his scarf aside, and pressed a tiny kiss against his neck. Merlin made a little sound in the back of his throat, and heat flared to life in Arthur's stomach. He had a sudden image of doing more than just little kisses with Merlin, and of getting him to make sounds much bigger than the one he just made, the result of these thoughts made him move his hips back a bit.

He mentally slapped himself for allowing his thoughts to go there. Truth be told, he was a bit scared to show, or tell Merlin just how intense his feelings for him were. Though Merlin didn't strike him as particularly naive or sheltered, he doubted he knew much about what it was that couples did, simply because he hadn't had the same access to information the same way Arthur had. Arthur had had an expensive education, and access to a whole library of books, including ones that had not been meant for curious teenage boys.

Merlin stirred, yawned, and snuggled against Arthur, before fully waking up, and seeming to realize just who it was. Arthur pretended to be asleep, slowing his breathing down, which wasn't hard, as he was still sleepy.

Merlin swore softly under his breath, and Arthur's heart sank. Did he not like being beside Arthur in bed? All of Arthur's doubts, and insecurities came racing to clog his mind. Just as Arthur was ready to spring up, and run out the door, Merlin slowly turned his body around to face him, and Arthur shut his eyes.

He was surprised to feel Merlin's fingers gently comb his hair off his forehead, then slide down to lightly touch his cheek. Arthur could feel himself start to relax again, and Merlin gave him a small kiss on the tip of his nose. Was Merlin going to kiss him on the lips? His heart started to beat faster, and his lips parted. But, Arthur could feel Merlin moving away. Confused, Arthur opened his eyes a crack, and saw Merlin sit up, and run a hand over his eyes. He groaned a bit, then started to get out from the tangled covers, and Arthur's arms.

"Morning." Arthur said, sleepily, and fully opened his eyes.

"Good morning lazy daisy." Merlin's voice was husky, and his eyes seemed brighter, and clearer than usual. Arthur croaked a laugh, and Merlin started laughing. "You sound like a frog!"

It was a pity that Arthur sounded like a frog, because he thought Merlin had an extremely attractive morning voice.

Merlin got out of bed, and started piling up all the laundry he had failed to pick up last night. HIs clothing was rumpled, his hair stuck up all over the place, and his one cheek was a bit red from being squished against the pillow.

Arthur lazed around on the bed, not wanting to leave, because it was warm and smelled like Merlin. He sat up quickly though, as he saw Merlin about to leave.

"Wait!" He said, then softer, "Wait...don't leave yet. You can't leave my room looking like..." Understanding dawned on Merlin's face as he caught his appearance in the mirror.

"I don't have a change of clothes here!" He said, looking slightly panicked.

"Just use one of my shirts."

Merlin hesitantly stepped towards Arthur's wardrobe, and chose a shirt that had been too small for Arthur, and put it on. Slowly he untied his scarf, and pulled off his own rumpled shirt.

Arthur could feel his face start to heat up, and his mouth dropped open a bit. Merlin saw the look on his face through the mirror, and gave Arthur a sly look over his shoulder.

"Like what you see?" He teased, smirking.

Arthur just made a wheezing sound, that only made his face go redder. Merlin gave a deep chuckle, and shook his head.

Arthur had seen plenty of the knights shirtless during training, but none of them had ever elicited any sort of reaction other than indifference. But Merlin was different, he was slender and pale, almost delicate looking, but there was no mistaking the lean muscles on his chest, and arms. Arthur had also never caught a glimpse of Merlin's collarbones, which seemed to be a silly thing to be in awe of, but to be fair, Merlin had always hidden them behind his scarf.

Merlin pulled Arthur's shirt over his head. It was a dark blue, that went very nicely with his eyes. For the third time, Arthur could feel himself blush harder. He was quite sure that at this point his face closely resembled a tomato.

As a finishing touch, Merlin combed his hair quickly, and slipped out the door, with one last smirk.

Arthur pressed his hands against his hot cheeks, then went to dress himself. 

Ah the fluff. Anyways, will post chapter 8 & 9 hopefully tomorrow. Thanks for reading! xoxo lovies <3 

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