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O ye old time fate, why dost ye fallow
Do you fate me to wake
Fate me to slumber, every eve and marrow,
Do ye plan an O sweet sarrow of Death?
I know for certain Death is an end of phyicality life,
Death is a certain fate of all
But what runs between, in Life
Is one fated to hate a color?
To hate a person based on anothers self?
Awake, awake come to your window
Gaze upon the world in the weary hour of dawn,
Come see the mystics of this bland world,
Take joy in the sun's rise and fall,
Our sun symbolizes our life,
It comes upon our lives bright and glorious,
Like us it grows higher and higher till noon,
As it desends we weep a little inside,
As dusk approach we admire the Death so beautifully,
Once all the light is gone and Death has taken
The moon, our soul surely to rises
And falls,
To begin a new, day

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