Chapter 17

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"Hey Roxas," Nathan said smiling when he saw him in the front yard in the tire swing. "What are you doing? Shouldn't you be doing schoolwork?"

"No," Roxas shook his head. "Momma is sick so she said we will do it tomorrow. I am trying to see how high I can get right now."

"She's sick?" Nathan frowned.

"Yeah she said she has a cold and will be better tomorrow as long as she rests," he said as he started spinning instead of trying to go high.

"I'll go get Doc," Nathan said and Roxas shook his head.
"No, I'm not supposed to tell you."

"Why not?" Nathan asked confused.

"She doesn't want me to bother you," he shrugged. "She doesn't want to be a bother since it's just a cold. She said she will be better tomorrow."

"What if you just go inside and I knock asking to see if you want to go to karate with me and then I find out when you go to ask if you can?" He asked trying to think of a plan. "That way you don't tell me and you also get out of the house so you lessen the chance of getting sick also?"

"I guess that can work," he said as he takes off inside.

Nathan walked back into the house and called out for Sean, "He isn't here, he's at the hospital," Kota said coming out from the kitchen with Owen right behind him.
"Damn," Nathan shook his head.

"Why?" Owen asked curiously.

"Ivy is sick apparently and didn't want us to know," Nathan said as he then explained the conversation with Roxas just a few moments ago.

"I will let Doc know," Kota said pulling his phone out. He hung up a few moments later, "He will come by after his shift in a few hours, thankfully he has a short shift today."

"I will go over with you and care for her until he gets there," Owen said slipping his jacket on.

They walk over next door and Nathan knocks on the door. Roxas opens the door with a smirk, "Hey guys, what's up?"

"Hey kiddo, I wanted to see if you wanted to go to karate with me today?" Nathan asked.

"Let me go ask," Roxas smiled as he took off upstairs. They entered and followed him. Roxas opened her door and they heard her throwing up in the bathroom. "Momma?" Roxas asked softly.

"What Roxas?" she asked as she flushed the toilet.
"Hey Peanut, you okay?" Nathan asked and they heard her mutter 'Shit' softly.

"Yeah, I'm fine Nathan, it's just a cold," She said as she started brushing her teeth.

"Darling, open the door," Owen said and they heard her cuss again. She rinsed her mouth then slowly opened the door. "Oh Darling," Owen said pushing her hair out of her face. "Let's get you back in bed."

"I was going to ask but I am just going to tell you now," Nathan said softly. "I am taking Roxas to karate with me today. You need to rest and it be better for him to be out of the house."

"Behave Roxas," She smiled and he rolled his eyes.

"I know Momma," He smiled and took off to his room to grab his martial arts bag and uniform. "I will see you later Momma, get better."

"Bye," she said getting back in bed. Owen took off his jacket and tucked her in. "Go home Owen, I am just going to sleep."

"No, you need someone here in case you need something and Dr. Green is working," he said shaking his head. "Now go to sleep."

"You are just going to be bored," she said closing her eyes.

"No I won't," he said softly as he rubbed her back. "Now sleep."

"Yes Sir," she breathed as she drifted off to sleep.

"How is she?" Sean asked as Owen let him in hours later.

"She is sleeping again," Owen said softly as he headed to her room. "She has thrown up a couple of times but I think her stomach is empty now since last time was mainly dry heaving."

Sean took out his thermometer and took her temperature, "She has a fever, when was the last time she took some medicine?"

"She hasn't had any that I know of," Owen shook his head. "I wasn't sure what she could take since she has that allergy. I looked in her medicine cabinet and it's all for Roxas, there is nothing for adults in it."

"Of course," Sean sighed. "Good thing I grabbed some stuff from the hospital. Hey Pookie, I need you to wake up for just a little bit," Sean said gently shaking her.

"Go away Sean," She mumbled as she tried to go back to sleep. "I don't feel good."

"I know Pookie," he said softly. "Just take this and then I will."

"Ugh fine," She sighed in frustration. She opened her mouth and he poured the medicine in her mouth. She swallowed and laid back down.

"Thank you Pookie," he said feeling her forehead. "Now you can go back to sleep."

"Hold me," She mumbled as she scooted closer to him and closed her eyes.

"Of course," he smiled softly as he slipped off his jacket and shoes.

"Owen," She pouted and felt around for him.

"I'm right here Darling," he said getting in bed with her.

"Mhmmm better," she whispered drifting off to sleep again. Owen and Sean smirked at each other.

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