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Hero Costume:

(without the katana ofc)

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(without the katana ofc)

— Finale Exam Arc.

We all got into the Changing room and put our hero Costume on. "Holy shit y/n you look so hot" mina said while slapping my ass. "Girl you can spank me anytime" i winked at her. "You are free to steal the boys from us" jiro said. "Oh honey believe me those teenage boys dont turn me on." i tried to joke about it, but the smile of Todoroki was on my mind the whole day. "Thats not what i think" ochako teased me "What do you mean?" "I see how Todoroki looked at you in class" she said. "He probably thinks that i am a player for flirting with denki and bakugo" i rubbed my neck "but im not here to find a hubby anyway. Im here to be the baddest hero" i fixed my long hair into a middle part and threw it back. "Thats the spirit girl" Mina said from the back.

Aizawa told us to meet up in front of the gate for more updates. So we walked outside and met the boys. And let me tell you something. Two. words. BAKUGO AND TODOROKI fuck
Both of them looked so hot. I felt my blood in my veins begging for a realise.
It was NOT the time to be horny. Let me remind myself that i am VIRGIN and horny. I breathed in trying to avoid the boys to gain control of myself. So i turned around looking at the sky to avoid them
"You look hot" i took a step back and turned to the voice. Bakugo was standing behind and smirking at me. "You also look good bakugo" i smiled at him. "Huh why are you being nice to me?" "What do you mean bakugo" i looked back at Todoroki because i felt his eyes on me. He was with Midoriya but his focus on me
"I like it when you are feisty, come on i know you also like my cockiness" i turned my eyes back to him and smirked.

Come on y/n tease him

I put my fingers on his cheek my thumb going to his lips "i need to focus bakugo, dont distract me" i pushed him away from me and walked to aizawa
Suddenly a few pro hero's like all might, midnight and president mic stood in front of us.
Aizawa explained to us that because of the villain attacks we need to have battle experience, so that we know how to handle real battles. Everyone got into groups by Aizawa and their teacher

I got teamed up with Sero and our Teacher was Midnight, what a coincidence.
I walked up to Sero who also was searching for me, "what up handsome" i said to him while smiling. Sero and I chatted a few times in class and i gotta say we have similar Humor, that why i feel confident with him. "Sup gorgeous, you look hot by the way" he winked at me "come on you flirt, we gotta think of a plan to beat Midnight" i pulled his arm and we walked into the building together.

"Our advantage is that Midnight doesn't know about my witch side. I thought that before the battle starts that i have to seanse her, with that i can see where she is." "Then we can sneak to her and use my tape to capture her before she release her gas" Sero continued "thats right handsome" i winked at him
"good girl, who thought that you were also smart" he put his arm on my shoulder "dont tease me and im not smart i just have experience" we walked together up to the big screen to watch the first battle 'denki and mina versus principal Nezu'.
While they were fighting Midoriya came up to me. Sero saw him and pulled his arm away from me.
Midoriya asked if sero and i came up with a plan. "Yes we did but im still nervous about it" i looked up to the screen "i mean look even nezu is ruthless with denki and mina" "yes but i know that you guys will win. Remember to always give your all!" he said while throwing his fist up. I smiled at him and stroke his hair "your right we have to give it all. After mina and denki battle, it is tsu and fumikage match. Then our turn so keep writing everything down you see okay?" i said looking down to him "I will" he said and turned to the big screen

After an hour it was our turn to battle with Midnight
Sero and I walked up to the field and waited for the count down. I looked to him and nodded, he stood in front of me in case of an surprise attack from midnight. I kneeled down to the ground laying my hand on it and closed my eyes to concentrate.

As a witch i am connected to the nature thru my ancestors. That helps me being a part of the nature and see everything thru it. See it like watching tv, i can sense and see everything around me like movement or people.
As soon as i felt Midnight presence i stood up. I told Sero that she was hiding 10 meter in front of us behind a Rock. I grabbed his hand and used my vamp speed to ran up to Midnight for a surprise attack. I tried to kick the rock apart but i felt sero being lighter then before. I thought that he wanted to use his tape to capture her so i released him

But that didnt worked. What i didnt saw thru the ground was that she already released her gas around her.
Before i could grab sero and push him out of there he felt into the ground, sleeping. So i quickly ran away from there and used the clean air around me creating a type of helmet to prevent myself to breath her gas. I felt her whip on my back "i knew it. you used ur speed to attack me but that doesn't work with me sweetheart" she said while whipping my back again.
Thankfully my back healed quickly and i regain my strength. "Big mistake Midnight" i smirked at her and ran to her kicking her whip away
She ripped the clothes from her body and released more gas. "That doesn't work with me 'sweetheart'" i teased her and threw a punch into her face. She fell back and kicked me into my stomach. Before she could kick me i grabbed her leg and picked the other one. Once i had her legs in my hands I picked her up and threw her into the ground.
Before she could stand up i flew to sero and picked him up bridal style. With him in my arm i ran up to the escape gate.
Some robots came up to us and took Sero to Recovery girl.
I walked back into the building already hearing Midoriya. "Y/N!! You where amazing." his hand on his chin „but how did you even picked Midnight up?" he asked. "Eh with my hands did you not see that"
"yes i did i meant it like how strong you are, i am gonna learn so much from you" he said smiling "same here Midoriya, looking forward to it" i said and walked up to the eyes who i had been feeling since i entered the building.
"Wanna take a picture? It'll last longer boomby" "A new Nickname i see" Bakugo leaned down to my face "i like it but before the exam you pushed me away, dont you think that you deserve a punishment for that?" He winked at me "What are you gonna do? Spank me? Choke me?" I teased him "maybe but you'll find out once i have you for myself." He pulled me to him holding my waist. "I dont see those thing as a punishment its just.." "turning you on am i right?" He cut me off. I looked to his lips putting my hand on his neck "your right, it really turns me on" i wanted to tease him by kissing his cheek but again i felt someones eyes stabbing my body. So i turned to the right and saw him with Momo. It was Todoroki, his focus again on me, completely ignoring Momo who was talking to him. For a few second we had eye contact but i didnt wanna give him the wrong idea of me as a player. So i pushed bakugo away from me "sorry i just have to go to the bathroom" he just nodded and walked back to Kirishima.

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