page 47)

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(Listen to Can you fell my heart- Bring me to the Horizon, for this part)

I felt the familiar warmth on my necklace again and i immediately shot my face up

Only one thing on my mind, Shoto

He is safe and most important alive.
"I'll kill all of you" i said to myself and held onto the cain trying to rip it of from the ceiling.
"Agh fuck" it didn't worked. Maybe it was cloaked with a spell?
I felt the warmth again but this time not from my necklace.

I smell fire

"SHOTO" i screamed and a tall disguised in black suit a man came in.
I present my fangs to scare him off but his purple skin brought my lips to smile "dabi"
He smirked "the party has already begun"
With that Azura came in and hugged me "stop azura the chain" i said and wiggled out of her "oh right" she smiled and touched them, starting her unsealing spell

Phasmatos Tribum, Melan Veras, Et Vasa Quisa, Exu Quisa.

As soon as she finished i ripped the chain out of me and started to rip the stake from my body out.
"Wow your already healing" Azura said and i smiled but then remembered "where is he?" Dabi smiled "lil sho decided to grow up and take things into his own hand, guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" i looked at him with a questionable face and Azura got the message quick "oh he is already trapping some witches for you"
I ran out side and saw an huge ice wall covered in the cemetery, so that no one could escape.

Thats my baby god i miss you

From the right i saw him, fighting against witches with both of his quirks? At the same time?
"Shoto" i smiled and felt how energetic i am
I turned behind me and saw more witches coming to kill me.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before using the blood in them to snap their neck open.

"And i thought i was a villain" dabi said behind me and i rolled my eyes "they deserve it even worse then that" he just slightly bowed his head in understanding
"Here is the plan Azura i need you to put all the dead witches into a circle, we need that later for the transfer" she nodded and gathered 3 witches. "Dabi i need your fire now" he smirked "Finally" and held his arm up releasing his blue fire in a tornado.

I twisted my arms and used air to spread his fire, slowly letting the witches burn but not killing them. Just enough to leave a burnt mark.
I released the fire and walked up to more witches running up to me
"Phesmatos incendere ad pulvox"
I pointed my hand to the four witches and used a death spell on them.
They feel into the ground throwing up blood. The sign that this curse is working is the sign of the victims blood red eyes. And oh did their eyes bleed. They held onto their head as it'll help but no. This curse worked up and finished them in one go.

I kneeled to the ground watching shoto freezing 5 witches and their skin burning up in the cold. I sinked my hand into the witches blood and licked it, i mean i need all the power i have right?
"I need their leader sophie" i said while walking up to Shoto.
"Y/n" i air punched the frozen witches away and kissed him deep. "Oh god i missed you" i said into the kiss, his mouth leaving a bit room for me to talk "same here, never do that again love" he said and kissed me again.

As we opened our eyes we saw more of that beautiful blue fire up the sky. Shoto held my hand "watch this" and mixed his own orange- red fire with his brothers one.
Those both color mixed and blew up the cemetery, causing everyone to loose balance and burn their skin.
But i protected us from their fire with an earth circle, covering us up.

The fire didn't stopped that why i walked in the middle of it, seeing all those half burnt witches on the ground and pulled air under the fire. The air caused the fire to get up to the sky and spread there, stopping his work.
"Where is Sophie" i said to a witch gripping into her hair "i- i don't know" she cried out. Azura walked up to me and threw the witch into the circle where all the half living half dead witch lied.

I quickly counted the witch puddle "there are already laying 43 witches but we need the most important 7 ones" dabi and shoto nodded at my words.

I kneeled to the ground sensing the remaining witches and pointed the boys to them. "Bring them alive" i said before i walked up to the other 43 witches

Shoto froze the 7 witches so that they were unable to move and threw them on top of the other witches, most of them already half dead.
"Pathetic" i spit into Sophies face "now look where we are" i laughed "look at you already loosing against me, should've known better Sophie"

(Go to 2:10min on the Song NOW KFKFKF it brings the vibe)

I kneeled in front of her and breathed out "guess the prophecy is going to be true after all" and wiped a tear from her face "but let me tell you a secret" i leaned for to her ear "you death will be the most painful, i guarantee".
I walked to the other six witches and ripped their heart out drinking a bit of their blood before kneeling in front of Sophie, grabbing her by her throat.
"Do you know the Death Curse?" I asked her. "N-No" she choked out. I smirked and licked the remaining blood on my lips

"Its a curse that allows me to punish someone by condemning them to a slow, supposedly irreversible death. In the case of possession, it also allows me to trap the possessing spirit inside the body of their vessel so that they can't escape the curse. And guess who that lucky witch is?" i slapped her face to the ground. Sobbing sound came to my ears "oh don't cry it'll be all over, Sweet dreams" i said smirking
"p-please i b-beg you" she tried to hold into my leg but i kicked her starting the spell

"Phesmatos O se kwe pe se" i quickly picked her body up and ripper her still living heart out to drink her blood.

Then a big fire appeared on those dying witches.
The fire spread more, more and more till it explode on them causing everyone behind me to loose their balance.
But not me
I felt the power, the energy, the magic from those witches float into the nature.
"The transform begins" Azura said to the boys and closed her eyes, to feel the nature giving their magic to me.
It spread from the ground into my feet and made their way up from my heart, then to the top of my head.

I opened my now blood red eyes, breathing out

"The transfer is completed. Good work the Coven destroyer became real"


This was the most important chapter and also the highlight of this story!!!!

hope you guys had fun reading💞🙏🏽

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