Chapter 4

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The rest of the day were quiet as Honey attempted to escape both Clay and Blaze. No matter what she was doing one or both of them were there. Asking her questions on what's for dinner or if she shouted for them when they all knew that she hadn't. When they both came back in for what felt like the tenth time to the kitchen Honey decided to humour them. She knew they weren't going to leave and they both seemed dead set on talking to her. She watched as they both removed their hats and wiped their boots on the mat before sitting at the table. Honey could feel them staring at her as she removed the chocolate chip and shortbread cookies from the oven. The smell of baked goods hitting the air. Turning the oven off, Honey wiped her hands on a dish towel before sitting opposite the brothers. She felt her lips quirking up when they gave identical cheeky smiles.

Honey sat crossed leg on the dining table chair whilst talking to them."Can I help you gentleman?" She questioned as they both continued to stare and grin. They turned their heads to look at each other which made Honey wary. This felt planned.

"Just wanted to talk to our favourite lady, that's all" Blaze spoke for the both them. Clay leaned back in his chair whilst Blaze did the opposite and leaned forward. They both had their shirts rolled up to their elbows and their arms rested on the table. They had been crowding her all day. Kisses on the cheek, forehead, hugs and hip squeezes. Honey didn't think she could handle much more.

She knew they were up to something. But what was beyond her. "Uh huh... You gonna tell me what you want or not" Honey stared at them both in the eyes as best she could. Even sitting they towered over her. Clay's hand twitched on the table. He had been doing that every since she met him whenever she gave a snarky remark. Blaze grinned at Clay. Clay just grunted in return whilst turning his head to set his intense eyes on Honey.

"Behave sweetheart, don't want to get in trouble now do you?" Clay's eyebrows rose as he asked the question. Leaning forward he planted his elbows on the table and watched Honey. His face held a smirk like he knew something that she didn't. Moving her gaze to Blaze, Honey noted the hungry look on his face. Honey swallowed and licked her lips. The deep groans shocking her.

"Uhh... I don't know what you mean. It's not like you can ground me. And I just want to know what you want. Muan and Tyler said they were going to show me how to ride a horse. And I really wanna" Honey regretted telling them that as soon as it left her mouth. Their eyes shrank into dark slits. Their lips turned down in a frown. They both stood up suddenly pushing their chairs hard enough that they hit the floor with an almighty bang. They stood towering over the table with dark expressions on their face. Honey slowly lowered her legs to the ground. When they took the first steps towards her Honey bolted.

Clay grinned when both him and Blaze chased after Honey. They had been annoying her all day, they knew. Every time they had a few minutes free they would go and check on her either together or individually. Every time they had asked her a question and she answered they gave her a kiss hug or squeeze. Her eyes dilated each time. She was turned on. Blaze told him about her being innocent. Not knowing how to kiss. Blaze had to stop him from grabbing Honey and making her his. They had to wait for Rio to claim her too. Clay's hand was just itching to spank her ass for every snarky comment she gave. He had a dominant streak in him and couldn't wait to to make Honey submit. She was theirs. He didn't want her hurting herself or working too hard. And he especially didn't want her learning to ride from some of his Ranch hands. The men knew she was theirs.

Him and Blaze chased Honey as she ran out the back door towards the horse pastures. They both knew the land like the back of their hand. She couldn't escape. Each time she looked back and saw they were closer her eyes would widen. Neither him or Blaze would hurt a women. Especially not their women. She ran around the first pasture where Muan and Tyler were stroking Roker. Roker was a gentle horse and only ten years old but he wasn't going to allow Honey to ride without him or one of his brothers with her. Blaze took the left side of the pasture whilst he took the right. They cornered her in the middle. She turned big frightened eyes on them. She was scared. But the flushed chest and the way she pushed her legs together told him she was wet. He couldn't wait to turn her ass red for accepting the men's proposal about riding without them knowing. His cock hardened as he thought of Honey with a bright red ass from his hand. He would take care of her afterwards but she had to know the dangers of riding. And he wasn't about to let her get hurt. Some of the Ranch hands working on the nearby pastures stopped and watched with smiles. But Clay just wanted his woman.

Blaze and he moved like a unit towards Honey. She squeaked and looked around for a place to hide but there was none. She couldn't escape them. She put her hands up to ward them off but he didn't stop. He stalked towards her and Blaze did the same. When he was close enough to grab her he pulled her over his shoulder with her head at his back. With her pussy this close to his face he could smell her delectable scent. Clay prowled back toward the house with Honey kicking and moaning on his shoulder. The Ranch hands all laughed when Honey screamed and finally gave up her assault. Blaze opened the door for them to go in first. When the door was firmly shut and locked behind them they walked into the living room with a subdued Honey on his shoulder.

Blaze looked up into the frowning face of Honey over his brothers shoulder. His lips tipped up when he saw her pout. Her eyes pleaded with him to help but he was all for the spanking that she deserved. Not hard though. They would never hurt her. But a spanking was a different story. Anything could've happened if she went riding on a horse. She had never been on one before and there's a first time for everything. He didn't want to see his girl hurt. He knew she was innocent and wouldn't understand flirting but dammit she was theirs. She just didn't know it yet. Blaze could tell she was turned on from the flush of red across her cheeks. He stroked them as he and Clay walked into the living room. Blaze watched as Clay pulled her of off his shoulder and into his arms to cuddle. His brother had never been touchy-feely with any other woman but Honey was different. Blaze took his seat next to Clay ready for the fight that was going to happen.

Honey suddenly found her self upside down over Clays lap. Her butt towards Blaze. Her breathing stopped when she realised their intentions. Honey kicked her legs and pushed herself upwards, Clay lifted a leg and trapped hers between them whilst placing a heavy hand on her back. She was effectively immobile. Yet the thought didn't scare her as much as it should. "No no no... Please don't. I'm sorry. Err I won't do it again?" Honey tried using her hands to push up from the floor but it was no use. The hand on her back was too heavy. Honey didn't actually know why she was over his lap but she thought it had something to do with running. Clay rubbed soothing circles on her back. But it didn't help. When she felt her jeans being unsnapped from underneath her Honey panicked. Her earlier fight coming back to her.

"It's better to get it over and done with now sweetheart. When you tell us why you deserve the spanking we will stop" Clays deep voice penetrated her thoughts. She didn't want to be spanked. She hadn't done anything. Well evidently she had otherwise she wouldn't be here. She felt Blaze help Clay pull her jeans to her knees then smooth his hand over her red and white striped boxer-short pants. "This time we'll leave your panties on. But next time is bare bottom" Honey thought quickly about what she had done but couldn't come up with anything.

"Owwwww..." The heavy slap of Clays hand left a scolding pain on her left butt cheek. She faintly recalled Blaze saying soothing words but the slap hurt. Honey still couldn't remember what she had done.

"Ewwwwww..." The second slap came down on her right butt cheek. Clay smoothed his hand over the burning flesh afterward. "I'm sorry I ran" Honey couldn't think of anything else.

"Owwweeeeeee..." Clays hand came down on her left butt cheek again but not in the same place as before. So it wasn't running. "I'm sorry I hit your back" Tears began to gather in her eyes.

"Uuugghhhh...uhh" Another slap on her right cheek, not in the same place though. The throbbing pain from her butt coiled deeply inside of her and sent lightening bolt of pleasure to her core. Honey could feel her self getting wet. "For screaming on your shoulder" She could barely get the words out through her chocked up throat from her crying. She sniffled as she tried to stop the tears.

"Ehhh...owwww" the pain morphed into something deep inside of her that left Honey shocked. Surely she could not be turned on from a spanking. Oh god. She is turned on by a spanking. "For talking to the Ranch hands" Honey was confused. And a little scared. The tears came faster now.

"Ohhhhh..." The slap of Clays hand came down lighter than before. "For talking to the Ranch hands" Honey felt like she would combust. "For accepting going riding with them"

When the thwack didn't happen, Honey released a tired breath. Her butt hurt. Two hands soothed her butt whilst Clay's hand on her back held her steady. She felt embarrassed. But incredibly wet. She hoped neither of them could see it. Her sniffles gently stopped.

Honey rested her head against clays calf, hoping her breathing would return to normal when a deep voice called out "What the hell is going on?"

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