Chapter 21

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Honey slowly tilted her head to the side. The heaviness of it making it hard to breath. A sudden pain in her thigh made her gasp and she turned to the side, Honey opened her eyes slowly to the silhouette of a man. The blurriness in her eyes making it hard to tell who it was.

Fear tightened in her chest as she saw the outline of something sharp in his hand. A needle. Honey raised her head before attempting to move her body away from him but her limbs felt too heavy. In a mixture of confusion and pain, Honey could barely understand what was happening.

Her head felt slow and dreary, but Honey knew that it should feel worse than that. As well as the swelling and bleeding on her face. But Honey could barely feel any of it, apart from the tightening when she moved her head a little.

Honey wobbled forward on the chair and latched onto the mans coat. Her hands not tightening like they should. Through blurred eyes, Honey saw the loathing and disdain in his face as he watched her. His hand still clutching the dreaded needle.

Honey struggled to hold on tight to his jacket but grogginess kept her from gripping it tight. Each part of her body felt tight and had a slight dull pain.

A stomping noise to her right made her freeze, her breath catching in her throat. The mystery man didn't seem bothered and Honey guessed he already knew who it was.

"This is insane" Honey whispered, she really wanted to be just held tight in her men's arms as they told her everything would be alright.

A harsh yank on her hair made Honey squeal as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Your not dreaming Bitch! And trust me, there's worse to come" a gravely voice echoed.

"Please. Please. Please. Please" Honey whispered over and over. The nightmare of the situation becoming too much. The man stood up straight, but before he could blink a loud crack sounded and his body hit the floor fast. He remained still on the floor and the only sound in the room was harsh,shallow breathing from her hero.

"Oh shit Honey" a clack sounded before hands were tugging her chin up into a familiar face. Trent's. He dropped a wooden plank on the floor. "We gotta move now!" Honey allowed him to move her body how ever he wanted. First her tried standing her up, before realising that she couldn't without falling back down again. "Oh fuck it!" Trent swore, before hauling her body over his shoulder. His bony shoulder making her cry out. They took a couple of steps forward before a deep growl vibrated through the room. Their sudden stopping making Honey panic more.

Twisting slightly, Honey watched as the man rose slowly from the floor. His hand resting again his head. An angry snarl ripped through him making both Honey and Trent cringe.

"Fuck!" Trent whispered.

He turned towards them slowly, his hand still resting against his head. He saw them both immediately and stiffened, glaring at them. Hate flaring from the very depth of his eyes. "You'll pay for that" he snarled. His lips twisting up a sick smirk.

He stalked towards them too quickly.  He was on top of them before Honey could blink. His fist went flying into Trent's face before he could stop him, sending him flying backwards and knocking Honey into the wall. Her head hit the hard concrete with a loud crack. Shards of pain wrecked her body as she watched Trent attempt to fight back. The sounds of fleshing hitting flesh making her even more queasy.

With sudden determination, Honey crawled towards where the plank of wood laid. Steps away from where she was sitting moments before Trent came in. Honey wrapped her hand around the thick price of wood and tested its heaviness. Honey looked up in time to watch as the unknown man buried a knife in Trent's stomach. "NOOOOOOOO!!" Honey screamed. She watched as Trent's body his the floor, unmoving. Her voice cracked with emotion. A growing puddle of blood laid underneath his body.

Honey stood slowly, her hand gripping the wall for support. Her right ankle throbbed endlessly and her legs felt heavy with bruises. Her attackers shoulders hunched up and down with deep breaths. Honeys fingers flexed around the plank of wood before she held it over her head like a bat.

He turned to face her as she swung with all her might. With a grunt he fell to the floor, motionless.

Tears streamed down Honeys face as she shook her head in denial. She had to get Trent out. "Trent" Honey whispered. She limped forward slowly. "Trent" she said a little louder yet he still didn't move. "TRENT" Honey yelled, her voice becoming croaky from the tears in her throat. Honey stood over his body before dropping to her knees with a screech. Her heart shattered as she watch his finally breath leave his body.

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