Pranks Part 2 (Multiple PoV's)

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Dex's PoV

I clumsily stood, opened my bedroom door, and strolled out to see Biana, Fitz, and Keefe, our pranks looking very successful. I laughed, nearly falling to my knees. Then Marella came out of her room, followed by Linh. They both rubbed their sleepy eyes, and then widened their eyes when they witnessed the three pranked elves. Marella looked slightly amused, while Linh looked very, very concerned, her eyes saying, What are these crazy elves doing?

Tam lumbered out of the room he shared with Linh, and I barely held in my snickers at his ice blue hair. He smirked at me. I grinned back at him. And then Keefe and Fitz noticed Tam. "BANGS BOY!" Keefe shouted, chasing after him. Fitz followed. Tam immediately leaped back into his room and closed the door, locking it. I finally couldn't hold it in any longer and fell to the ground laughing. "Were you part of this Dex?" Fitz asked. I shook my head. "Nope," I lied. He looked at me, a doubtful expression on his face. Keefe knocked on Tam's door a couple more times before sighing. "I'm going to go wash this off," he grumbled. Marella stepped in front of him. "Um, didn't you forget the dare you got yesterday? You can't shower off the lushberry juice off until all of us are up and awake," she pointed out. "And Sophie isn't up yet." I mentally pumped my fist up. He gave a side eye to her. "But what about the rest of this-" he gestured to his dirty body. "The rest of this mess?" Marella shrugged. "Then you have to wait until Sophie gets up."

Keefe groaned. "I get the feeling this was set up by you and Tam." Marella shook her head. "I didn't have anything to do with it."

Then Keefe suddenly noticed I was in the room. "Dex, did you prank us?" he asked, suspicion lining his face. I quickly replied with a "no". Then I remembered he was an empath, and jumped straight back into the safety of my bedroom, and locked the door.


Tam's PoV

I sighed in relief when I got back into my room. I smiled, recalling the images of the previous moments.

After what felt like a couple hours, I heard someone knock on my door. "Psst! It's Sophie," I heard Sophie's voice whisper. For some reason, however, I felt slightly suspicious. "What time last night did we set up Keefe's prank?" I asked, testing whoever was behind the door. "3 in the morning?" they replied. I rolled my eyes. "Nope, incorrect. Keefe, I know you can mimic Sophie," I retorted. I heard Keefe mumble something, and I snorted. I sat back down on my bed, wondering what today would be like.


Fitz's PoV

At long last, Sophie walked out of her room, looking wide awake and alert. She saw Keefe, Biana, and I, and she covered her mouth, a grin hidden behind her hands. Keefe looked relieved. "I CAN FINALLY SHOWER!" he exclaimed, and ran into his room. I chuckled. "So, Dex and Tam pranked us," I explained to her. She nodded thoughtfully. "Well, Dex is the one who turned your hair bright green last time," she said. I remembered, smiling. "Yeah, but this is a bit overboard," I replied, pointing to my arm. She looked up at me. "Your eyes changed, too," she said quietly. I blinked. "Really?" I asked. She nodded.

I went back into my bedroom and looked in a mirror, and it confirmed that my eyes had indeed turned light green. I growled. "Seriously?" I complained, running my fingers through my now green hair. Sophie giggled. "It will probably wear off in a couple hours or so," she said. I raised an eyebrow. "Wait a minute, did you have anything to do with this?" I asked. She looked up at the ceiling. "No, I didn't. Definitely."

"Sophie Foster, you are a terrible liar," I said, grabbing her by the shoulders. She squealed. "Please no no no," she laughed out, slipping out of my grasp and running down the hallway. I chased her down to the breakfast table where my mom was setting up breakfast. She looked at me, and then noticed Biana sitting on the sofa. She screamed.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU TWO?" she asked, her voice super high-pitched. I shrugged. "We got pranked by Dex, Tam, and Sophie," I said. Biana looked at me with a slightly confused look. "Wait, Sophie too?" she asked. I nodded.

"Sophie, why did you do this?" my mom asked, disappointment evident on her face. Sophie looked slightly guilty. "Well... it was supposed to be revenge for the Truth or Dare game we were forced to play last night."

My mom nodded slowly, understanding. "Well, can you undo it?" she asked. Sophie nodded. "Fitz's prank is going to wear off in a couple hours, and Biana, Dex has the antidote, although yours would have worn off by evening. For Keefe's, all he has to do is wash off the alicorn poop and feathers, but for his silver hair, Tam has the antidote to his, but uh..." she trailed off. "Keefe's is permanent I think, and I doubt Tam's going to give it up very easily."

I sniggered at hearing that. "Tam's not going to give that up for a while," I said. Biana agreed, grinning. I walked up to Dex's room, asking, "Dex? Can you give the antidote to Biana's prank?" Sophie supported my statement with a, "Yeah, otherwise I think Della's going to go rage-monster on us." Dex quickly opened the door and handed Biana a small grey potion and she downed it instantly, and soon, the wrinkles on skin faded and she finally stopped squinting. "At long last!" she exclaimed. "I can see without everything being dark and fuzzy!"

At that moment, Keefe burst out of his room, his silver gleaming hair dripping with water. "Hey, Biana's back to normal! Can I have my hair turned back now?" Dex smirked. "Nope, Tam has the antidote, which I highly doubt he's going to give back." Keefe groaned. "Wow..."

Linh, Marella, and Tam came downstairs at that instant, and Keefe immediately charged Tam. Tam dodged out of the way. "Keefe, you did the same thing to me," he said, shaking his forefinger at Keefe. Keefe sighed. "Fine. But it will wear off, right?" Tam shook his head. "Nope." Keefe literally looked like he was going to cry. Everybody in the room except Tam started howling with laughter. Keefe sent us all death glares, but we ignored it.

I heard a shuffle of feet behind me and turned, finding Mr. Forkle staring at us with a very, very concerned expression. We all stopped laughing.

"Mr. Forkle?" Sophie asked. "Is everything okay?" He gaped at me, and then at Keefe and Tam, eyes darting back and forth between them. "Did you... make your hair the eye color of each other?" he asked. Dex rolled his eyes. "Just uh, ignore them," he said. "Why did you come here?"

Mr. Forkle cleared his throat, but couldn't take his eyes off Tam, Keefe, and I. He shook his head. "The Neverseen kidnapped Wylie again."

A/N I cannot believe I managed to write this much about pranks, haha. Also, I know that Sophie is unmatchable, regarding the matchmaking dare. I will either make it so that there will be a way around this, Sophie just isn't unmatchable, or I will come up with some other way to do it. Also... 245 reads / views!!! Thank you so much everyone! ~

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