Makeovers Pt. 1 (Tam and Sophie's PoV's)

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By the time I had finished making my hair, Fitz and Keefe were only at the most a quarter of the way done. Dex had finished five minutes before me.

"How long does it take to style hair, for goodness sake!" I complained, watching them admire themselves in the mirror, scowl, and move one strand of hair. "Honestly, Bangs Boy, you're the only one who's actually participating in the gala. We're just helping organize it, so how come you aren't doing more with your hair?" Keefe joked. I rolled my eyes. "Do they even care if like, half a strand of hair is on the opposite side of your head?"

Me and Dex sat on the sofa eating custard bursts until an hour later, when they finally finished with their hair. "It took you guys an hour?!" Dex exclaimed, looking at the time. Both of us had finished in under ten minutes. Keefe put on an annoyed expression. "It takes time and care to master the Hair," he replied snottily.

"That's not all," Fitz added. "Tomorrow, my dad's taking us clothes shopping, and my mom is taking the girls." Dex facepalmed so hard that there was a red mark on his forehead. "First of all, it's not like this is the last party of our lives!" he protested. "What's with all of this- I don't know, special preparations? Second, why did you spend an hour on your hair when it's not even time for the winnowing gala yet?" Keefe gave him a look. "Well, it's Foster's winnowing gala, and we're just getting it planned out." Dex groaned. "So you haven't even finished..."

Keefe grinned mischievously, glancing at me. "That reminds me, since you are actually participating in the gala, Bangs Boy, do you like Foster? Especially because you clearly said you liked her better than Biana in that kiss, marry, kill game." I turned bright red. I wasn't sure about it, but my crush on Biana had sort of faded over time. "Uh..." He grabbed my wrist. "Oh, yep, he likes Foster!" Keefe shouted. I ripped my hand out of his grasp.

"So, what, all four of us like or liked her?" I asked snarkily. Everyone else turned red as well. "I mean... not anymore," Fitz confessed. "Not in that way." Keefe agreed, and so did Dex. There was a moment of awkward silence before we heard a squeal upstairs.

Sophie's PoV

"No makeovers!" I yelled, running around Biana's room in circles. She leapt at me, tackling me to the ground. "Yes makeover!" she screamed back. Marella and Linh giggled. Biana sighed. "At least choose which makeup you want to use," she grudgingly compromised. I sighed. "Alright. Fine. Wait, we're going clothes shopping with Della tomorrow, right?" I asked. Biana nodded, grinning.

After twenty five minutes, I chose a light blue eyeshadow with a small hint of sparkles, because Biana insisted. It also took those twenty five minutes for Linh, Marella, and Biana to find their colors. Biana's the one who held us up.

And then she made us look at lipstick. I was planning sweet revenge after it took us forty five minutes to look through her collection and choose.

"Biana!" I shouted at her. "Just choose one!" She looked at me annoyedly. "Fine, fine! I'll choose it!" She picked up a small one, hiding the color. "It's a surprise," she added, winking.

For the rest of the day, we went to Atlantis for food, but we couldn't stay for long, because Linh started sweating and getting nervous. And then Biana made me look at food and drinks.

"I told you Biana, just get a ton of Elvin desserts and lushberry juice, and we're good!" I whined. She twirled a piece of her hair out of her eyes. "Fine, Sophie," she grumbled. The moment I was free, I ran into my bed, hoping that the warm blankets would keep me safe from Biana.

A/N Sorry for the shorter chapters. I will skip the clothes shopping because otherwise the next chapter will be very short, so straight to the actual winnowing gala preparations!

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