Sweets (Sophie's PoV)

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A/N Time skip by the way to when Sophie's mostly healed

"PLEEEEEEASE?!" Biana pleaded with me. I sighed. "Alright, fine," I begrudgingly agreed. She squealed. "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS!!!"

She called out into her house, "SOPHIE AGREED!" I heard Fitz shout back, "OKAY, GREAT!" Biana jumped excitedly. "Okay, so at around noon, we'll all be going to Atlantis to eat at Treats & Sweets for dessert after lunch, and then we'll all head to Everglen for a sleepover!" Biana kept jumping, and I had to grab her shoulders to get her to calm down. "Biana, seriously, chill!" I exclaimed. She had the largest grin on her face. "I know, I know, but I can't wait!" I had to grin at her enthusiasm.

I didn't really want to go, since I knew they'd all be hanging out with their boyfriends or girlfriends, but after a while, I didn't really seem to mind. Even if I didn't have a romantic relationship with anyone, it didn't mean I couldn't hang out with my friends. Although I still had a small crush on Fitz, I normally ignored the tiny flutter in my heart when I was nearby him.

So, a few hours later, I was falling down and plunging into the giant sponge in Atlantis. "WATCH OUT!" I heard a deep voice yell, and I immediately rolled out of the way as Tam landed right where I had been sitting, Linh right behind him. We all bounced off, and I brushed my shoulders, letting out a deep breath. "They might have to make a safer way to get to Atlantis," I said, laughing as I saw Fitz nearly land on Biana. Biana replied, "But this is the funnest way to get anywhere!" Fitz rolled his eyes. "First off, funnest isn't a word, it's more fun, and second, maybe they should make another way for the more... faint of heart." He winked at me, and I felt my heart flutter. I tried my best to shrug it off. As he offered his arm to Linh, I felt jealousy spark inside my chest.

"Foster? You alright? I'm feeling some pretty strong emotions from you just now," Keefe asked, fanning out with his left hand. I heartbreakingly noticed that he was holding hands with Biana, and Dex and Marella were doing the same. "I'm fine," I replied, giving a fake smile. But as we walked to the dessert shop, I walked a little elseways from the main group. I glanced back at them and noticed Tam was doing the same. But at least Linh seemed to be paying attention to him every now and then, asking if he was alright. Every time, he nodded, giving a reassuring smile that I knew wasn't real. He walked with his hands in his pockets, eyes attached to the ground and trailing slowly behind the rest of the group.

"And we're here!" Biana exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air with enthusiasm. It was like a small cafe, and my mouth watered at the smell of mallowmelt. We took a seat inside, and I coincidentally ended up smack in the middle between Fitz and Tam. This is going to be a loooong day, I thought. I was definitely glad that Keefe sat furthest away from me. Hopefully, he wouldn't be able to feel any of my emotions from that distance.

"So, what do you guys want?" a waitress in a light blue dress asked. She had dark brown hair and sky blue eyes. As she walked around the round table taking orders, I started fiddling with a small brown hairband I had brought. When she got to me, I asked for mallowmelt and custard bursts. She wrote it down in her little notebook thing that human waiters use as well. Then she briskly left, cueing all my friends to start talking. I slumped in my chair, feeling lonely once again. Luckily, the echoes had healed enough so that they didn't stir. I closed my eyes and started to drift off to sleep as I felt a tap on my shoulder. I nearly jumped out of my seat.

"It's just me," Tam said, a tiny but genuine grin on his face. I felt my cheeks grow warm. "I was just trying to make sure you didn't take a nap while we were here," he assured me, gesturing to the rest of the group that was deep in conversation. From what I could tell, they were talking about some random prank Keefe had done.

"So, I snuck into her office, undid the lock, and slipped the reekrod in Councilor Alina's desk! Simple!" Keefe explained, looking very, very smug. He crossed his arms across his chest. Biana leaned on his shoulder.

"You still got caught," Fitz pointed out. Keefe shrugged. "Just because I was too loud bragging it off to you. Otherwise, she would have never had proof!" Dex looked doubtful, however. "You probably still would have made some sort of mistake and she would have caught you," he argued. Keefe shook his head confidently.

Just then, the waitress came by and dropped off all our sweets. I eagerly scarfed down a whole plate of mallowmelt before grabbing a couple custard bursts. The sweet flavor sparked in my mouth, and I savored it. Everybody looked just as satisfied, including Tam, who had a small smile and look of contentment on his face. I had noticed that his personality had changed slightly ever since Fitz and I had been injured. He'd been a bit more easy-going, almost casual, and depended less on hiding in the shadows. Almost like he was trying to enjoy life as much as he could.

On the other hand, however, Linh looked slightly nauseous and was gripping Fitz's hand. She whispered something into his ear.

"Uh, guys, I think we should go back to Everglen soon. We can bring some of the leftover treats home. Linh's- uh, not feeling well underwater." I mentally facepalmed, and Biana looked like she was thinking the exact same thing. It wasn't the best idea to bring a hydrokinetic to Atlantis for a long period of time. Linh's face looked slightly green and her eyes were squeezed shut in concentration. Biana quickly boxed up the food and after getting out of Atlantis, we all light leaped back to Everglen, where we had previously dropped off any personal belongings we would use at the sleepover.

Biana and Fitz showed us to our different rooms, which almost seemed like they were made specifically for each of us. Mine felt cozy, with a bookshelf and desk, and a big comfy bed. If I looked out the window, I could see the breathtaking view of Everglen and its lake. I laid on the bed, ready to fall into a deep sleep when I heard someone yell, "BASE QUEST!!!" I groaned, sitting up. I forced myself out from under the soft covers and walked out to see Keefe tackle Fitz to the ground.

"What-" I said, before I saw Biana jump on top of Keefe. Tam and Linh came out of their rooms as well, and both had concerned looks on their faces. Dex and Marella just stared and started whispering to each other. I assumed I had the same expression. Linh tugged on Fitz's arm and managed to get him out of Keefe's grasp. "Uhh..." Tam tugged his silver-tipped bangs over his eyes. "Soo... weren't we going to play base quest?" I asked Biana, poking her on the shoulder. She nodded, grabbed my arm, and pulled me outside.

"Okay! Base quest, girls vs boys, abilities allowed?" Biana explained. If abilities were allowed, we would most certainly win. As I started to gain confidence, Keefe pointed out that Fitz would also be able to track us, which I knew would definitely make it more of a challenge. I put my hands on my hips defiantly. "Works for me!" I exclaimed.

Biana lifted her hands up triumphantly. "Okay then. Let the games begin!"

A/N Next PoV is going to be Sophie again... and possibly Sophie again... but don't worry, Tam's PoV will be coming back soon, and I'll make sure to give him a double chapter as well!

Also thank you so much to Aileen_the_Bunny for being so supportive! :D

Please vote and leave a comment with any suggestions! Also if you could it would be great if you could follow me! :)

Might try a few double updates I don't know hehe ;)

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