Let's Pretend (TaeJin)

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A/N okay just so there is no icky comments left, let me explain. I love Jimin and Hobi, in the story I make Hobi a bit dramatic and mean and I make Jimin a cheater, he is but he isn't as explained in the story he didn't want to be with Tae, but Tae wouldn't take the hint to Jimin trying to leave and Hobi is mean just because he loves his best friend Jimin and thinks he's protecting him.


"Jungkook, look at this shit, look at this, the nerve of that little asshole", I scream throwing the envelope on the counter in front of my roommate. He picks it up and opens it, "oh shit, that is a dick move, but at least he gave you a plus one." "Yea to bad I don't have a plus one to shove in his narcissistic face", I pout. The front door closing caught my attention, I see Yoongi walk in, "did you get your invite from Jimin." "Yes, what the fuck is he thinking, why would I go see him get married to the guy he cheated on me with, fuck him", I screech.

I stomp out of the room and throw myself on the bed, "what an asshole, I can't believe he would ever think I'd see his cheating ass get married, he broke my heart and I hate him for that", I say to myself. I hear an alert on my phone and I see a text from Bogum, a friend of ours from high school...

Bo - 10 year reunion this weekend, let's go

Tae - Holy Shit 10 years already, hell yea I'll go, I'll ask Kook and Yoongi too, come pick us up Saturday.

Bo - I'll be there at 6, we will get drinks before it starts.

Saturday evening Jungkook and I waited for Bogum to show up, Yoongi said he was already meeting someone and that he would see us there, I'm excited to see friends I haven't seen since we graduated. When Gummi texted he was outside, Jungkook and I ran out excited to see him, "wow you two look great." "So do you Bogum, look at you", Jungkook says hugging him.

We drove to the hotel where the reunion was being held and we made our way to the bar for pre-party drinks, we found a table and talked about our lives and what's been going on, I watched as a group of people made their way into the bar and that's when I saw him, the most gorgeous human being I have ever laid eyes on. He's tall, with long legs and a perfect ass, broad shoulders and a slender waist, fuck me he is perfect in every way. "Tae are you still with Jimin", Bogum asks.

I spin my head toward him quickly, "fuck no, that cheating bastard can rot for all I care." He starts laughing, "I'm sorry to hear that, I thought you two were perfect together." I waved him off, "I'm over it."

I looked back at the beauty and I see him smile, I melted right there in my seat, I couldn't stop looking at him, he was mesmerizing, then he quickly looked up and our eyes met, I couldn't look away, I should have but I couldn't. He smiled at me and he blushed so beautifully, he looked at his feet then back up to me and smiled again, I was smiling back like an idiot.

"TAE", I heard. "What", I say looking at Jungkook. "What the fuck are you smiling at", he asks. "Him", I say pointing to where the beauty was standing. "Who", Bogum asks. I look back and he is gone, "oh no, let's go." I jump off the stool and run out the door, I don't see him anywhere, there is so many people, half of them I don't even recognize. "You okay, what are you looking for", Jungkook asks.

"The guy I saw in the bar, Jungkook he is breathtaking, I have to meet him", I say with determination. As we walk into the banquet hall where the reunion is I see him, standing with the same people, who I finally get a good look at, "Yoongi", I question out loud, "why is he with him." "Taehyung is the guy you are talking about standing next to Yoongi", Bogum asks.

"Yea why is he with Yoongi", I ask annoyed. "You don't know who that is, do you", Bo asks. I look at him and shake my head, I then look and see the beauty look at me and smile again, then start to walk over. "That's Seokjin", Bo says. "No way, Jinnie", I say to myself.

"Taehyung", he says walking up to me, "look at you all grown up." "Jin, I can't believe that's you, talk about grown up, where is my pimple faced, brace wearing friend", I say not being able to take my eyes off him. "He's long gone Taehyungie", he giggles, "I want to apologize for not keeping in touch after I left, my parents moved me to the states and we just got back recently, then Yoongi told me about the reunion." "I'm glad he did, can we exchange numbers I want us to get back in touch", I say in awe of his beauty. "I've missed you Tae, what have you been up to", he says taking my hand and leading me to a table.

We sat there for hours talking, I told him about Jimin and how we split up and how'd I'd do anything to get him back, he told me that he's only sporadically dated people in the states. "I never found anyone I really liked, maybe I'll find my soulmate here in Korea", he smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "I have to go Tae, you have my number use it, okay", he winks and walks away grabbing Yoongi and leaving. Jungkook sits down next to me, "now there is someone who can you make you forget all about Park Jimin." I looked back at the door Jin left out of, "never, but he is definitely someone who could help me get Jimin back."


"You still like him", it wasn't a question. I shrug, "maybe, but it doesn't matter, he is still in love with his ex Jimin." "They were horrible together, Jimin cheated on him every chance he got, he tried almost everyday to leave Tae and Tae just didn't get it", Yoongi says shaking his head, "so are you going to stay in Korea or go back home." "I'll stay for a bit, I miss you and want to hang out, who knows, maybe I will find my soulmate."

The next morning I got a text from Tae saying he wanted to spend the day with me, so I got ready and waited for him to pick me up. I slid into the passenger seat, "where are you taking me." "I have a great day planned", he says.

We went to breakfast, then walked around down by the boardwalk for awhile and did some shopping, he then drug me to the movies, I was exhausted but I invited him over for dinner and he agreed. I was having a really good time even though he talked about Jimin and all the stuff they did together, I thought maybe being with him all day would make him forget his ex, but he is just to into him for that, so I gave up, Ill feed him and then let me go on his way.

After dinner he helped me with the dishes and the atmosphere was very awkward, "Tae is there something going on in that head of yours." "I wanted to talk to you about something but I have been hesitant to bring it up", he says nervously, "I think you are so beautiful, more beautiful than anyone I have ever met." I blushed thinking he was going to ask me out, "thank you Taehyung, you can ask me anything."

"I was wondering if you would pretend to be my boyfriend to make Jimin jealous and go with me to his wedding", he says with hope in his voice. My smile dropped and I felt sick to my stomach, "Um, I'm not sure Tae, I might be leaving sooner than I thought, can I get back to you", I stood and walked toward the door, "I'm really tired." I held the door open waiting for him to get the hint, he stood looking surprised, "oh sure yea, I am sorry, I dragged you all over today." He slipped his shoes on and awkwardly walked toward me to hug me but I backed up and I think he got the hint. "Bye Jin", he smiled. "Bye Tae", I didnt smile, I shut the door and went to my room and cried.

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