Part 5-2

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But, as much as it hurt, it did fade. Heartbeat by heartbeat, the initial burning crushing feeling shifted to a duller ache. Interestingly, it was much more localized than something like a spanking. Impact play seemed to send sensations all over my body. These things just affected near where they bit into me.

I tried a few tentative deeper breaths. Achy, but not too bad. 'I can take it!' Happily, my eyes met Malcolm's again, to see that his focus had never left my face. I knew it wouldn't. He loves watching me fight through his painful challenges. 'I got this, bring it on!'

He raised an eyebrow, reading my expression. "So confident?" He took hold of the strings, tied like leashes to each pin. Slowly, carefully showing me just how little he moved them, he very lightly tugged and sent a disproportionately large bolt of searing pain through me again.

It hurt, but this time I was ready for it. I got to watch Malcolm as he watched me, loving how he drank in my pained expressions and involuntary gasps. He was a captivated audience, letting me see how turned on he was just as I showed him how much I hurt for him. He understood exactly what he was doing to me, and it thrilled him -- both the excitement of the act itself and my submission. It made me feel incredibly appreciated and wanted.

"Very good," he said, and let the strings fall. Instead of adding more pins, though, he gently slid his hand along my thigh. Excitement flooded in from where he touched, and legs flew open, bending at the kneed to accommodate my cuffed ankles. "Eager, are we?" He said, stroking higher, distracting me from the ache in my chest by teasing just on the very edge of my pussy.


"He really likes teasing you," Vivian observed. She'd leaned forward towards me, eagerly listening. The last snickerdoodle sat forgotten on its plate in her lap.

"You have no idea," I laughed. "Malcolm doesn't know how to just do anything without teasing around it first. You going to finish that?"

"What? Oh! No, all yours," she passed me the cookie and I made it disappear. "Has he always been like that?"

I smiled, getting momentarily lost in a flood of memories. "About some things, yes. Our porn chats, for instance. He's always been super teasy about that. Other things, not at all. Like, if you ever see him debating something, he's very much to the point and no words wasted."

She leaned forward even more and lowered her voice, as though trying to avoid being overheard despite us being alone in her living room, "I have no idea how you deal with the tease and denial. You or Nicole. I couldn't keep that up for a single day."

"I'm pretty sure Nicole still gives Malcolm shit for turning Sam on to that," I laughed. "He's been into that kink for as long as I've known him."

"Is it a power thing?"

"For him, it's THE power thing. It's different than anything else. Like, the clothespins, for example. I only need to be submissive and obedient to him for as long as they're on. Once they're off, it's like the game is over. Orgasm control, on the other hand, is fucking constant. Every second of every day, there's this fundamental part of me that's handed over to him. There's a part of me that's constantly focused on keeping myself obedient, no matter how fucking horny I get. It's like I'm always being submissive to him, even when we're apart. Plus," I hesitated, reddening slightly again before admitting, "he's always been a manipulative bastard, and he loves how easy it is to push my buttons when I'm wound up."


Pleasure and pain together are very intense. I read something, somewhere, about how they overlap and hit on similar parts of the brain. Someone did a study with brain scans and found that pain and orgasms make the same regions light up. I think. Something like that. The point is that they're much more similar than different, so feeling both at once is like an overload.

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