Part 2 - 7

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"Want to know a secret?" Malcolm asked rhetorically as he took a firm squeeze of my ass. "I've wanted to do this for years." I gasped and raised my hips up into his hands. As I did, a light smack hit me right across both butt cheeks. It startled me more than actually hurting. Chastised, I lowered myself back down to his lap.

"Really, Sir? You never let on. Never even eyed me up."

"Only a blind man could fail to see the results of all those squats you do," he chuckled and slapped my ass again, playfully light, and continued peppering me with swats in a steady rhythm. He was literally warming me up, I felt my butt physically heating the longer he went.

Slap-slap-slap-slap. I sighed into the bed, feeling deeply exposed and defenseless, supported once again my trust in Malcolm.

I wasn't sure if he was increasing the intensity or if my resistance was wearing down. How many had I taken? 20? 40? My sighs became heavier, turning into groans. It hadn't really been that unpleasant to start with, the warmth had felt strangely pleasant in an achy stingy type way, but it was quickly getting more intense. I stopped trying to keep track of time and gave into the sensations, letting them rush through me. Just as it was starting to make the transition into being painful, he gave me two more sharp, loud smacks, one on each cheek, then stopped.

I panted, trying to get my breath back, but barely had the chance before I felt my pussy get filled and intense pressure on my clit. All the air I'd recovered escaped in a huge, involuntary moan.

"How are you feeling?" Malcolm asked. It was hard to focus on anything beyond the fingers inside me and swirling around my clit. My hips rocked into them, trying to get more friction.

"I feel like your toy, Sir," I said, "your plaything to spank and finger and fuck and lead and control and whatever else you want." He spanked me again just after I said the word, which made my vaginal muscles clench hard around his probing fingers. "And I like it!"

It was true. With anybody else, bent over their lap being spanked, I would have been humiliated beyond words. With Malcolm, I felt intimately submissive. With anybody else, I would have felt vulnerable to the point of panic. With Malcolm, I felt safe to let go and allow myself to be free for his whims.

He sped up, increasing the pressure on my clit.

"Tell me when you're going to cum." It didn't take very long. I tried to control myself and gain some pride for my stamina, but feeling his cock growing hard through his pants underneath my rocking pelvis doomed me.

"Please Sir, can I cum?" I tried to request politely, but it came out sounding desperate.

For answer, all the stimulation vanished from my cunt and I felt a hard SPANK envelope my ass. He must have used both hands, because I felt it across every inch at once. That stopped my orgasm like it had run into a tree. Still, the pleasurable heat that had risen from my clit and pussy through my core didn't die down. As Malcolm continued spanking, much less gently than before, the stinging heat of his impacts joined with it. Erotic heat and stingy bursts competed for my attention at once! It was very intense.


My clit throbbed, still optimistically hopeful that she would find something to hump and get to release all the pressure built up inside her.


My ass continued to heat as the stinging on my skin intensified and the underlying muscle started to ache under the assault.


I groaned, wishing I could see Malcolm's face.


The last impact was again much harder and made my whole body react. The "Ouch!" I'd been holding back ripped free and my back arched reflexively.

"I'm okay, Sir," I said hurriedly, disappointed in my body for its lack of discipline. Naturally, he responded by finger fucking me. He hammered my g-spot from within me while hitting my clit from outside, effectively ripping my attention away from my ass and back to my lust driven NEED to cum!

Malcolm was learning fast. The closer I got to orgasm, the slower and lighter his fingers got. I was purring deep, reveling in the sensations of pleasure blossoming through me when he pulled out, gave my clit a few light caresses, and stopped.

"Did I have you on edge?" He asked.

"Very close to the edge, Sir. A little longer and I would have been there." I thought I felt his cock throb through his pants. So close to me, so close to my cunt that wanted it so badly...

"You contract a lot when you're close. That's going to feel really good." Yep, that was definitely throbbing! "Shift over." Malcolm moved me off the bed completely and stood me up facing him with my back to the mirror. Fashionista that he is, Malcolm naturally has a full-length mirror in his bedroom.

Standing facing each other, bodies pressed intimately close with my arms around him and his hands massaging my ass, I could finally see him again. Pleasure from being in control played freely across his face. Even though we stood on the same level, eye to eye, there was no doubt who was dominant. He knew I was his as certainly as I knew I never wanted him to let me go.

"Count down from ten."

"Yes, Sir." I braced myself and his eyes shifted over my shoulder to the mirror.

The impact was hard and loud, taking my breath away and making me grit my teeth. Pain raced through my right cheek, the stinging only slightly soothed by his continued gentle kneading.

"Ten," I gasped. Then my left cheek exploded, just as loud and intense. "Nine!" The sadistic gleam shone in his eyes alongside the same look of pride he'd shown me before. His gaze shifted back and forth between my face and my ass, delighting in seeing the physical and emotional impact of his spanking. "Eight!" I didn't try to hold back the feelings, I let them flood across my face and into my voice, "Seven!" It hurt. It hurt a lot! I gripped him hard, needing to feel his support as well as give my muscles some outlet. I could take it for him. Looking into his eyes, I could take anything.

"I love seeing you like this. So strong, just for me." The pride and dominance shone brighter in his eyes, just as the next stroke hit, along with another just a second later.

"Six! FIVE!" We fed off of each other -- My pain feeding his excitement, his excitement feeding my determination and submission to him, which elevated him as my dominant.

"Four!" Around and around in a loop, our feelings resonating as we passed them back and forth. Little wisps of the light, floaty feeling returned to me, making me feel somehow suspended by him.

"Three!" More and more intense, I felt incredibly connected to him. Bound to him by the intensity of the feelings he gave to me and I bore for him, then rewarded by the depth of the emotion I felt in return.

"TWO!" It was beautiful. A little physical hurt didn't matter, it was so worth it for this.

"ONE!" I almost didn't want him to stop. The last few had felt like daggers ripping through me, but I didn't want the connected feeling to end.

"Look at yourself," Malcolm nodded to the mirror.

"Holy shit," I gasped. My ass was covered in pink and red, darker shades seeming to form the outlines of fingers against the paler backdrop. I tenderly probed myself, surprised by how sensitive I felt and how physically hot my skin felt. 'I really took all of that?' I grinned, immensely pleased with myself. "Can I take a picture, Sir?"

"Proud of yourself?" He smiled too and nodded, "well, you've earned it, those last ten were hard. Go ahead and grab your phone, and get your cuffs while you're at it."

I had marks! Damn right I was proud. I've seen hundreds of similar pictures online, maybe even thousands, but this one was mine! Maybe they weren't the most hardcore in the world, I'd earned these stripes! They were my souvenir, my trophy, even if they did still sting like a bitch.

"All this just because of a tie, Sir?"

"I like that tie! And you still have not returned it."

"What would I get if I went home wearing one of your shirts?"

Malcolm smiled wider, clearly knowing I was thinking of awesome marks when I asked what I would get, rather than worrying about a punishment. "I'm sure I could think of something suitable for your breasts."

'Oh my god, my tits!' My nipples tingled as I thought of how they might look surrounded by the same coloring now on my ass, 'yeah, one of those fancy shirts has got to be mine. Then I'll just need some pants, shoes and a jacket from him to complete the set!'

Malcolm wrapped the leather of our cuffs around my wrists. I'd started to think of them like that -- "our" cuffs. They were another way that we joined ourselves together. Just like the spanking had made me feel connected to him, and the hot sting I felt from his hands was a symbol of that. Just like the long blind walk before it, and the lingering feelings of Malcolm being my light in the darkness.

But that was all foreplay. He kissed me softly on the lips and settled me down on his bed. It was finally time for the main event!

He secured our cuffs to facets in the headboard above me. There were pillows under my head and butt, which made me feel both comfortably pampered and securely set in place. I was getting used to being naked while Malcolm was clothed, and even lying back with my legs spread and my wet, engorged cunt on full display didn't feel embarrassing. Still, I didn't think that watching him strip would ever get old. I licked my lips and felt my blood pump in my veins as he pulled his shirt off and undid his belt.

He moved slowly and deliberately, but with unmistakable purpose. Everything about him -- from the lust on his face to the movement of his muscles as he removed his clothes to his focus on my womanhood -- seemed dedicated to it. The simplest and most primal reason for his cock to be rock hard, standing proudly in the air. He was about to fuck me. My pussy throbbed in anticipation, seemingly trying to open herself wider, crying out to his beautiful penis.

"You see what you do to me?" He traced the head of his cock, showing me a string in precum sticking to his finger.

"No more than what you do to me, Sir." I stared, transfixed, as the string extended and snapped. I didn't want kids at that point in my life. I'd had an IUD ever since I became sexually active and I had regularly used condoms on top of that. But some evolutionary part of me wanted that cum. Wanted all the cum in his balls deep inside me.

He mounted me and laid himself out over me, letting me feel his naked legs between my thighs, his bare chest against my breasts, his cock resting on my mound. He caressed my cheek as we breathed each other in. Feeling his bare skin up and down my body was electrifying! I shivered, trying to feel as much of it as I could, wanting to feel it rubbing me all over. He kissed me again, tenderly, fully, amplifying the feeling of closeness even further.

With his lips locked with mine and his tongue in my mouth, he slowly pushed forward, effortlessly sliding past my drenched labia and into me. He thrust at an angle, using my elevated hips to press upwards from below, his head rubbing along the entire front wall of my pussy and directly against my g-spot. He sheathed himself all the way to the hilt with my clit pressing hard between us.

I lost it. My eyes rolled back in my head and I moaned for all I was worth into his mouth. I thought I had a good idea of his proportions from sucking him off twice, but I felt so insanely FULL! It was truly overwhelming, the pleasure surging through me, the feeling of literally being connected with him, our bodies joined together. It was too much to try to process. I kissed him back furiously as we both enjoyed our union.

Eventually our kiss broke and our eyes met. His pupils were enormously dilated gazing back at me, just like he had said mine where before our first kiss. 'That means he's just as turned on as I am!' That almost made me cum. If I'd had much more stimulation on my clit, I would have.

I uselessly struggled to wrap my arms around him, straining against my bonds for a second before falling back. Of course, I wasn't here to do anything except get fucked. A wave of submissiveness swept over me and I moaned again, consumed by feeling full of and enveloped by the man smothering me with his body and will.

He rocked his hips, just a little at first, sliding in and out enough to stimulate us while leaving him still mostly inside me. He was like a burning hot rod in my pussy, my insides feeling drawn to it like moths to a flame. I gripped his cock like a vise and spasmed around it, trying to hug tighter.

"Uhh -- That feels fantastic," He sped up, thrusting hard into my clenching pussy, every stroke hitting my g-spot and clit directly. It overloaded me with sensation. I cursed and writhed and flexed my muscles trying to cope with it all.

I was babbling, "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, I'm --" Malcolm shifted himself and slowed, steadily pumping but deliberately missing my clit.

"Not yet." He grabbed his spot in my hair and pulled my face closer to his, "stay with me, don't cum."

I bit my lip and nodded, feeling my hair tug slightly on his grip. It was symbolic, I was already completely immobilized, but the control and having his arm to rub my cheek against helped. Fuck it was hard! My pussy screamed for release! My clit throbbed enormously, feeling so good with each pulse of blood that I thought I'd cum without touching it. It was intensely pleasurable, feeling his cock push into my cunt, feeling him throb against my vaginal walls and his shudders of pleasure spasm all over my body.

I drew as much determination from him as I could and endured the torture of relentless blissful pleasure. Fuck, what a paradox! Malcolm's eyes never left my face, watching my struggle play out across my features like he enjoyed so much. I held on for him, holding myself on the edge, feeling my pelvic floor contract around him and watching with delight as his pleasure rose. Tension gripped his body in stages and his movements become more urgent. Need overcame the control in his eyes.

"We're going to cum together." He lowered his hips again and thrust hard into my g-spot and clit, cock throbbing mightily from deep within his balls, "cum with me, Devyn!"

Coherent thought left me. My consciousness left my brain and took a trip down to see the fireworks in my pussy. Each contraction hit me like a bomb, rocketing pleasure through my core to every corner of my body and back again. I gripped his dick so hard I imagined I could feel every curve and vein. I could have made a mold of it! My clit joyfully exploded against the base of his cock, finally releasing all the pent up lost that had kept her erect for so long.

And then, just as I thought I couldn't feel any better, Malcolm's cock throbbed hard back against me. He was cumming! He was cumming into me! His face absolutely contorted with sexual exuberance, his possessive grip still in my hair, he buried himself balls deep inside me filling me up with his cum.

It set me off again. I came, harder, as if my pussy was determined to milk every drop of sperm from his balls. Every throb from him triggered a contraction from me as our orgasms resonated, each of our pleasure enhancing the other's. It was one orgasm we shared together. Ours. Not two people's simultaneous orgasms, it felt like we shared each other's bodies and we were able to experience each other cumming firsthand.

It was perfect.


Late that night, after a ton of cuddling and a shower and some food and even more cuddling, I struggled to keep my eyes open. It was silly, but I wanted to say something out loud and I wasn't sure if I should wake him up or not. I traced the outlines of his closed sleeping eyes with my fingertips, enjoying our shared warmth under the covers.

I don't know when it had happened. Maybe it was years ago and I hadn't realized what it was, or maybe it just happened today. One way or another, I was sure how I felt now. It hit me while watching him sleeping peacefully beside me and it felt right.

I didn't wake him up. He would have been half asleep and would have forgotten by morning. But I wanted to say it anyway. I kissed him very lightly and breathed out the words, "I love you."

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