Chapter 6: Half-Empty Cup Of Prediction

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"You know what I think?" Preston flicks his index finger up, pointing to the roof as if it was the root of his thought process. Harrison looks over at Nerris, her response being a weak little shrug. He assumes that she's talking about the theatre kid, and hopefully not him. "This would be a wonderful musical. Not only wonderful, but original! Bold, fresh, relatable— plus, nowadays, people like financial problems almost as much as making out in the rain."

"Making out in the rain...?" Harrison hears Space Kid mutter under his breath. And, really, the term used is pretty questionable.

But, hey! When you're a magician who made his own brother disappear and have also managed to still remain under the roof of your parents who seem to favour ignoring you; you learn that some things are just better not questioned.

"Really?" Nerris pipes up, standing up from where she sat on the floor. Harrison wondered how they got so bored that they had to sit down in a circle like this, but then he remembers that it was his idea. Well, maybe he wanted to guilt-trip Gwen and David for leaving them out of the adventures, maybe he didn't.

Max, Nikki and Neil weren't here to say anything either way. They had already gone to sneak around the counsellor's office for some lighters to set something on fire.

(...Oh, and if anyone asks, no, Harrison did not know that and he is an innocent bystander.)

"Yes!" Preston responds to Nerris, enthusiastically shaking his head. There was a small scoff that came from Nurf, and Harrison chuckles softly under his breath. Calm days like this were his jam, better than when... (Chaos trio? Arson trio? Murderous trio? They never came up with a name for them...) those three... were around. "There's so many ways this could go wrong, and it's so anxiety-inducing! I feel like I could drop dead due to the stress at any moment now!"

"I don't think that's a good thing—" Harrison points out, but Dolph cuts in before him.

"Ooh! Vat do you zhink will happen next?" The boy excitedly bounces where he sits, beaming at Preston who returns the smile. In Harrison's opinion, that was adorable as heck. Kinda reminds him of his little brother. "Will zhere be drama!?"

"Now, I can't predict that," Preston admits, flapping his hand and rolling his eyes whilst chuckling. "But, yes, I can assume that there will be drama."

Ah, yes. Maybe because they already had drama. Like how Gwen shrieked when Space Kid jumped into a conversation she was having with one of the people at her knitting club, or when David freaked out over Nurf sending his foster mom a letter about the financial situation at camp. 

Nerris gasps a little, sitting up and straightening her back. "Really? I love drama. Emotional conflict is the best part of every D-'n'-D quest— explain, please!"

The theatre child (Is there a name for that? Uh... Preston mentioned a... um... lesbian— no, a lespian once. Or was it thespian? Oh, yeah, the second one makes more sense.) taps his chin for a moment before bouncing back up energetically. "Well, as I said before, financial problems always lead to complications socially, emotionally, physically, and mentally! Sometimes even spiritually."

(Spiritually? What? How do financial issues have anything to do with religion or faith or belief or whatever? It's not like if Harrison had money problems, he'd denounce Islam altogether. That's weird.)

(Eh, whatever, it's Preston. He's probably thinking of something he saw in a musical involving his own, made-up fantasy world.)

"For example," He continues, grinning and making Harrison silently grumble at the attention he was recieving. Oh, of course, if the Chaos(?) Trio weren't here for attention, then Preston obviously would be. Blagh, he blanches in his head. "Seeing how it's going so far, I'm assuming that David will eventually have a mental breakdown. Thus, it will cause Gwen to go into defensive mode, because she makes a lot of things revolve around 'fairness', and then David will defend himself because he makes things revolve around himself a lot; and their friendship will tip negatively."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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