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"14:00, 21/Oct/2021"


"Hereford, United Kingdom"


*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

"All Alpha's. Nice one Saber" 

Placing his rifle at a high ready stance he 

He takes a good look at his rifle, An RM-227 before pointing the barrel downwards and walks out of the range, The bright sun blinds him like a shut in teen, The sun may be up and bright but the air is frosty cold in Hereford so everyone is wearing their winter gear.

He lights up a cigarette and inhales then exhales a puff of smoke, He then walks along the sidewalk and looks around, The base is always at the ready for the call of duty as just an hour ago a team was just sent to Siberia to confirm reports of an unknown superweapon called 'CU-LTR'.


Saber looks at the direction of the noise and racks the bolt of his rifle before running to the direction. He wasn't alone as several others ran at the same direction.

When he got there he saw several operators right next to her tending to her wounds, Mostly bruises, The girl is a young girl in a white and green school uniform covered in rubble.

Saber looks around and sees a Humvee screeching in a halt.

"Get in!" A man's voice shouts.

The men load the girl in the Humvee before it speeds off, He looks at the ruble.

"Everyone get back to your stations"

Before leaving the scene.

Days later.

The sounds of an EKG machine's heartless beats mixed with the clack of nurses shoes and the rolling of a trolley conform to an unsettling echo mixed with the dead creeks of night, John takes out an Ipad and stylus before he scrolls through files upon files of mostly After Action reports.


John looks to his right and sees one of his old friends.

"Ghost, How are ya?"

"Im fine"

"What do you want?"

"The girl is awake"

John nods in reply.

"Let's go then"

John stands up and walks towards the girls room with two operators standing guard, Opening the door he sees the girl staring daggers at the wall, He snaps his finger but she doesn't reply in any way or form.

"Ma'am" John says to the girl "Can you hear me"

The girl doesn't reply or do anything at all, To be honest this unsettles John and Ghost a bit and the sounds of mechanical beeps do not help but rather makes things worse.

"You think she spaced out?" Ghost asks.

"Do you have her SF-180?" John replies.

"Her what?"

"Her SF-180"

"... What's a SF-180?"

"They are... They are... They're Personnel Records"

"Mate, have you forgotten that i'm not a Marine?"

"Sorry im not used to it"

Ghost pulls out a clipboard and hands it to John.

"Ok so name is Miho Nishizumi, She's around her late teens, Nationality is Japanese, Surprisingly she only has minor injuries and that's about it" John read aloud the contents of the clipboard.

"Miho" he calls the girl's name but she still does not respond and raises his voice "Miho!"

Miho jolts out of her senses and looks around "Where am i?" before looking at John and Ghost, "And are you two Saber and Ghost by any chance?".

Girls Und Modern Warfare: New World Task ForceWhere stories live. Discover now