Chapter 35: The Future

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(Warning: Swearing)

3rd person's POV
"Hey, I'm heading out." Anne said and pecked Marcy on the lips.

Marcy pouted and said. "Anne, don't tease me, give me a real kiss."

Anne smiled and pulled her girlfriend into a kiss.

They slowly pulled apart and Anne took a small breath.

She held Marcy and closed her eyes, but she quickly opened them and pulled away.

"I actually have to go, but I'll see you later Mar-Mar!" Anne said and waved.

"Take care of Polly, she's still a kid, even if she thinks being fourteen is being an adult."

"I will."

"Bye." Marcy said as Anne left.

Once Anne was out the door, Marcy quickly pulled out a ring box.

She brushed the box with her thumb before opening it.

She looked at the ring that Anne had wanted when she was younger, she didn't know if she still wanted it since Anne never really mentioned rings that much.

Marcy sighed and clutched the box in her hand.

What if she rejects me? What if she realizes she's way too good for me and leaves me? What if-

She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard footsteps coming from the stairs.

She looked up to see Polly with her arms crossed.

Marcy quickly hid the box in her pocket and smiled at her.

"Polly! You're finally awake."

"I've been awake for a while, I just like staying in my room."

"Right..." Marcy muttered.

"What did you just have in your hand?" Polly asked, referring to the ring box.

"Uh, I have no clue what you're talking about."

Polly walked up to Marcy and stood in front of her.

Polly quickly grabbed the ring box from her pocket and looked at it.


"Oh wow, you're gonna propose to Anne, huh?" Polly asked.

"Wait til Sprig hears this."

"Hear what?"

They looked over to see a sleepy Sprig.

"Oh, perfect timing."


"Marcy's gonna marry Anne."

Sprig instantly didn't feel tired anymore and he said. "Wait. Really?"


"Oh my gosh, wow, after only nine years of dating, huh?"

"Shut it, you two." Marcy said.

"Hey, where's Hop Pop?" Sprig asked.

"He went out to do some grocery shopping or something, I don't know." Marcy said and paced around the room.

"So, you're nervous about proposing, right?" Sprig asked.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Marcy said.

"Well, if it was me with Ivy, and I prop-" Sprig said but Marcy cut him off.

"You wouldn't propose, you're nineteen, you're a baby." Marcy said.

Sprig rolled his eyes but chuckled.

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