Expelled - Chapter 7

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~ Everyone goes to bed and soon enough it's the next day at school ~

"Welp we are here I guess... just two more days.. two" Alberto says. "HAHA Look! Its the fish face that cant even follow the simplest of directions! HA! LOSERRRRR!!" Another random kid shouts at Alberto. "AND HIS LITTLE FISH FRIEND AND THE GIRL WITH ED SHEERAN HAIR! " YOU BETTER SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU LITTLE GOBLIN OR ILL SHUT IT FOR YOU" Alberto shouts back pointing his finger in the kids face."Whatcha gunna do huh? Bite me like the animal you are! Big baby" "ILL RIP YOUR INTESTINES OUT AND SLURP THEM UP LIKE RAMEN! ILL EVEN PUT YOUR EYES ON A STICK AND ROAST THEM OVER A FIRE LIKE A SHUSH-CA BOB. THEN ILL TAKE YOUR BLOODY BODY AND PUT IT ON A TREE AND PLAY PIN THE TAIL ON THE BLOODY HUMAN!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Alberto shouts back. Everyone in the halls is staring completely terrified and then the little kid starts to cry. "WHO IS THE BIG BABY NOW HUH? THAT RIGHT CRY YOU PATHETIC FOOL!!" He continues to shout. "ALBERTO WHAT THE HELL?" Giulia shouts and grabs his arm. "WHAT? HE STARTED IT?" "Remember? IGNORE THEM?" Giulia explains. "I remember i dont really care. And thats it . I DESPISE SCHOOL WITH EVER BONE IN MY BODY!!!!!!!" He yells at her "BETO ENOUGH YELLINGGGGG!" Luca shouts back "ALL OF YOU IN MY OFFICE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!" The principle shouts. Giulia, Luca, Alberto, and the random kid head to his office. "Alberto.. you again? Now why doesn't someone tell me what happened?" The principle asks. "He threatened me... For no reason at all.. :C " Says the random kid. "Alberto! why on earth would you threaten him?!" The principle shouts. "HE CALLED ME A LOSER AND CALLED MY FRIENDS NAMES. HE DESERVED THAT!" Alberto yells to the principle. "Don't speak to me that way EVER again! And i do not believe you." "Its true. That kid was really rude to us and Alberto was just trying to stick up for me and Giulia.. Please don't get him in trouble!! " Luca exclaims. "Ill see about that. Now tell me exactly how it went Luca. I trust you."  Luca explains everything truthfully. "Ah, i see. Now both of you two boys are in the wrong. So, ill have to expel you both for 2 weeks. "WHAT" The random kid yells. "THAT ISN'T FAIR! HE IS A MONSTER AND I'M HUMAN! HE SHOULD BE EXPELLED NOT ME!!" The kid yells while kicking the chair he was sitting in. "NOW THAT'S 3 WEEKS FOR YOU!" "HUH?! FINE WHATEVER IM CALLING MY MOMMY!" The random kid starts to cry and calls his mother. "No more school for me. I'm done. I'm going back to Portorosso" Alberto says. Luca sighs and nods. "Whatever floats your boat Alberto I guess" Giulia says. 

Luca and Alberto // The Accident at SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now