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My sister and I shared glances, mentally arguing for me to speak. I had lost at the game of rock, paper, scissors, and so I had to be the spokesperson to our parents

I took a deep breath

"Dad, mom..." I started

"No," they said together in unison before I even started talking

"You did not even let me say what I wanted to say"

"We know what you are going to say" my dad started

"And you are not going to church" my mom completed, saying the word 'church' with contempt

"That is the house of God"

"Well, tell God to feel free to sue us" my dad replied

"Dad!" my sister, Anya, and I said at the same time

"You are not going and that is it. There are other things you can do to pass time" he said standing

"Pass the time? It is not about just passing time" she also stood up

A part of me thought, 'was I not the one who was supposed to do the talking?', but the other part was okay with it

"It's about worshipping and serving our Maker," she said

"Maker?" my mom asked

"Who did you say is your maker? We made you. I carried the both of you for nine months. I went through the pregnancy stages. I went through labor. And now, he's your maker?"

She scoffed

"Of course, you gave birth to us mom, but He's the one who formed us and created all things..." I was cut short

"I do not have time for this bullshit. You are not going and that is final" my dad and they both walked to their room

"So, what now?" I asked my sister

"Well, the Bible never said we had to always be at church to reverence God," she said

I smiled as I followed her to her room, the closest to our parents'

"I don't wanna be no backseat (don't wanna be), no backseat driver

I don't wanna navigate (don't wanna, uh) won't You take it over (take it over)

I don't wanna ever doubt You, I'm lost without You Lord

No, I don't wanna be no backseat (don't wanna be), no backseat driver" my sister and I sang at the top of our voices to Backseat Driver by TobyMac

Our plan worked and we were currently on our way to church

I looked over at my sister and smiled, she responded with a beautiful smile of her own

"I love you," I said

"What?" she asked, not hearing over the music

"I love you, Anya!" I shouted over the radio

She laughed

"I love you too, Raelyn! And I love you, God!!"

"So do I, Dad!!!"

That was what I call Him, my Dad. My Daddy

We looked at each other with huge grins on our faces.

Suddenly, fear replaced her smile. I turned in concern but the only thing I saw was a bumper before we started spinning; we were hit. Everything went by in a flash and the only thing I could decipher was that we were upside down in an immobile vehicle 

I felt cold liquid over my face, but that was not my area of concern. I looked over at my sister. Her eyes were closed, and her pretty face was hidden by the blood that covered it 

"Anya" I called,

I managed to still the panic that started to rise within me

'She is fine'

"Anya" I called louder

She coughed and her eyes fluttered open

Tears flooded my eyes

'She is okay

"Are you okay?" she asked

I managed to bring out a chuckle

"I have definitely been better"

"You are bleeding,"

She was worried

Unconsciousness crept up. I closed and reopened my eyes

"You should look at yourself first"

"You are sleepy" she noted

"We have to be awake, right?" I asked, fully aware of the answer

My eyelids were getting heavy

"Raelyn, stay with me,"

There was a strain in her voice

I opened my eyes, but I could not open them fully

I gave her a small smile

"I am sleepy," 

"We have to stay awake," she replied

"Are you okay?" 

The way she talked worried me, but we just landed in a car that did acrobatics, so I shook it off

"Just stay with me, okay?" she asked

I nodded but could not do as she said. Just when I was about to surrender to the darkness, I heard sirens

"Just manage for a little while" my sister comforted

As the sound grew closer and closer, I felt her hand on mine

"'Do not fear (anything), for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you; I will certainly take hold of you with My righteous right hand (a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of salvation)'" she recited Isaiah 41:10

Something kept on hitting me, but I could not make out what it was; I just stared at my sister with no life in me. I always loved her smile, but as she smiled back at me, at that moment, it was the one thing I hated more than anything. I just wanted to fall into an abyss and stay there forever

"Where is your God now when he is needed? Huh?" I heard my mother ask

I could not answer even if I wanted to. Because I did not know the answer

Instead, 'God, where are you?', I asked

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