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"Aaron," the woman whose face I only knew, beamed

"It has been such a long time, has it not?" she asked

"It sure has been. Has it been two days?"

"And a half-day"

I cocked my eyebrow

She turned to me

"Hi there, Raelyn. How are you enjoying Living Water?"

"Hello. Living Water has been... intriguing. I can never seem to be used to it"

I shrugged off Aaron's knowing look

"That is Living Water for you," she said

"This is your first time here, is it not?" Sarah asked, coming out from the kitchen

Aaron walked up to his wife and kissed her

"Step away from the kitchen, please," 

Sarah laughed

"Oh, come on, Nicole,"


The question slipped out before I could stop it

Aaron chuckled

"It is strange, right? I know. She does not look like a Nicole one bit, " he added

"I said out of the kitchen."

"We love you too," Sarah responded

"Out." Nicole insisted with a smile on her face

"So, what brings you here, Raelyn dear? Aaron dragged you?"

"Kind of. He owes me a treat. "

"You say? He owes you a treat?" Sarah asked

"Is that what amazes you? I am more surprised that she is actually here because of that"

I walked over to a seat

"I can sit down, right?"

"You are already seated,"

I gave her a smile

"Thank you, Nicole."

"Smart girl, are you not? And a little bit annoying"

"So I have been told, by several people"

"Is that right?"

"So, what is the menu for this treat?" Sarah interjected

Before Aaron could reply, a horde of people accompanied by boisterous jibber-jabber waltzed in

"Yo!!! Wassup, Aaron" a very loud man hallooed

"My man,"


He gave her a gentleman's bow

I could not resist rolling my eyes

"Jared," she replied


I was not going to be amid people like this, so I headed for the door

"And where do you think you are going?" Aaron asked

"Home, of course."

"I do not think you would want to right now. You see, Davina is probably helping Hebrew with tomorrow's service"

I gave him a look

"I have been in this town before you were born, child. But if you still do not believe me, go on ahead. "

"Is the treat still on the table?" I asked

"Right this way, ma'am," he directed

"What is this I hear? Treat? Who's treating?" Jared asked

"Aaron darling over here is treating our special visitor," Nicole replied

"Oh, so wonderful to know you think of me in such an endearing way,"

She opened her mouth to talk but held back

Jared slapped Aaron on the back

"I am sure Raelyn is not the only one up for a treat, umm?"

I could not tell which one I was more shocked by; the fact that he knew my name or how shameless he was

"Come on, man, you know,"

He hailed Aaron

"Yo!!! Everyone, everything is on Aaron tonight, " he said

My jaw fell

Is he out of his mind?

"You heard well, folks," Aaron agreed

"Are you crazy?" I mounted to him as soon as he caught my gaze. He winked in reply

"You are crazy,"

He walked towards me and whispered

"What is life without a little crazy?"


"And you have that?"

Without waiting for a reply, he walked off

"You still staying?" Nicole asked

"I am sure you have enough on your plate, so I will just come around later,"

"Nonsense," Jared said, draping his arm around my shoulders

"Join us. It will be fun. "

I placed a smile on my face as I stepped away from his reach

"I am good, but thanks for the offer,"

"Suit yourself then. I doubt I will have time for you again, though" Nicole warned

"It is okay, I can just come alone another time. Have an exciting time, everyone. " 

"Well, I am sure you have to go. Run along then, just don't forget your tail. "

He sat down, backing me

The whole place went silent

Despite my rage, I gently placed my bad on a table and walked to the counter

"Can I get the menu, please?"


Jared laughed

He walked to me, and I resisted the urge to fling away his hand

"And what exactly are you doing to order?"

He took the menu from my hands and then focused on Nicole

"We will take a bit of everything"

He added a wink

"Wow, I wonder if this can feed everyone here?"

"Not to worry. Nicole will make us more if we run out, will you not, Nicole?" a guy said

Aaron put his arm over his shoulders and grinned at me

"She was being sarcastic"

I would have taken him to be offended if I did not see the corners of his lips twitching

Before long, he blew into a full grin

"What is life without a little sarcastic?"

"That sentence is not even correct," another remarked

"As far as you get what I say..." the first guy shrugged

"Why don't you take the first bite?" the same guy said to me

"Oh, no. I am good. Go ahead"

"Please do. After all, you are our esteemed guest"

Everyone's eyes were trained on me, which gave me no choice but to indulge them

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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