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My eyes flew open, my breath heavy

I leaned on the headrest trying to stabilize myself

"I am sick and tired of this"

I looked up

"What in the world do you want from me, huh? Tell me! Killing my sister is not enough, so you haunt, mock me? I have a tough time enough when I'm conscious, is that not okay?"

"Just forget it. Do what you want"

I made my way to the bathroom, after I added,

"You know, I really regret knowing you. I should have never known you, loved you or served you. I hate you. I hate you"

"Good morning" my mom greeted

'When is she ever not happy?'

"Morning" I muttered

"Are you okay?" she asked

I smiled

"When am I ever not?"

"Do not give your mom that tone, lady" my dad said

"Good morning to you too, dad" I chirped

I did not know who I hated more; the mom who stands by the One who let her daughter die, or the dad who is, well, himself

Not up to three minutes after we sat down to eat, I stood up

"I am going for a drive," I said

"A drive? No, you cannot" my mom said

I turned to her

"I cannot?" I asked

"Did you not hear the tornado warning?"


"You cannot drive, or even step out when a tornado can possibly happen. Do you not know how dangerous that is?" she said

I smiled

"Mother, I am an adult, and I can take care of myself" I said

"There is no doubt about that, but you should not leave the house today"

"I will be in my room," my dad said

I exploded

"Sure, go on up. Live in your world. Stay cooped up in your cage forever"

"I will not be spoken to like that, lady. Watch your tone"

"For goodness' sake, my name is not lady, it is Raelyn. You gave me that name, remember?!"

"Well then, Raelyn," he spat, "you want to go out, suit yourself"

"I could not care less about how you treat me, but how can you be so indifferent? Do you even care about anything or anyone else apart from yourself?"

"I do not! And certainly, do not have the time to deal with someone who is living about with a victim mentality"

"A victim mentality? Do you think I have a victim mentality? Excuse me, sir, if you have not noticed my sister died. Your daughter. Your blood. And all you do is just blame other people. Is she really your blood? Because if she was truly your daughter, you will not be so laid back. You will not be so callous, so selfish, so..."

I held my cheek as I looked back up to the man standing in front of me. I had no idea how he came to that position

"I made myself clear that I will not be spoken to in that matter. Also, let me address something; you are the cause of your sister's death. If you both had not been stubborn on going to that place, if you had spoken senses to her instead, she would have been here"

I could feel the intense bitterness as he spoke

"You know what?"

I picked up my car keys

"I will be so thankful if a tornado comes up. Then, I will just drive straight into it, and ease you of the pain of seeing the one who killed your daughter everyday" I said


I raised my hand, cutting her short

"Quit it, mother. Since you, and God, love each other so much, I am sure He will be willing to give you more daughters" I said and dashed out of the house

I threw all care to the wind and drove as fast as I wanted. I increased the speed as I considered driving over the cliff ahead of me, but I slammed the brakes. The car stopped just over the edge of the cliff

I reversed to a safe distance before turning off the ignition

"Coward" I muttered

I collapsed into the seat and just stayed there until I got strength. I brought the engine back to life and continued driving without a destination

"What the heck?"

The car began to jerk until it came to a complete stop

"No, no, no," I said

I continuously tried to start the car but to no avail

I stepped out to check the bonnet, but nothing seemed to be strong with it no matter how long I stood there

I slammed the bonnet closed and went back inside the car

After contemplating for a long time, I decided to make a call, but there was no reception

'Compose yourself, Raelyn' I told myself holding back the scream that nearly left my vocals

I got down again and looked for someone or a phone booth, but I saw nothing 

I turned to go back to the car, but something caught my eye. At a distance was a funnel-shaped cloud approaching me

I ran towards turning the key, but as if to mock me, the car just made annoying noises

"Work, dammit," I said hitting the steering wheel

I looked back; it was getting nearer. I considered running, but the thought quickly left my mind. I knew that even if the car started, I would have only a few minutes,

'But there might be a diversion on the way' I hoped 

I did not hold back the scream that came out as a tree hit the ground a few feet from me 

"Please, please" I pleaded

I did not know who I was begging, or what

Child, I heard a voice call, but I ignored it

Child, I heard again

I looked up

"Listen, can you not disturb me right now? I am currently amid life and death, okay? Just leave..."

The rest of what I was going to say trailed off into a scream as I left the ground

I had never screamed as much as I sunk into the tornado, spiraling along with it

I braced myself for what was going to hit it, but nothing happened. Suddenly, my car came back to life. I screamed again because of anger


"What do you want? Can you not see what is going on? I am busy right now, so please..."

I hated roller coasters; they always made me feel like my heart was being separated from my body. This was worse. I could not tell what I was feeling, and I totally lost control. I did not know where I was going but my eyes refused to open, and my body remained crouching as I flew.

Then everything stopped

Carefully and slowly, I opened my eyes. The first thing I noticed was that my car was upright. I did not know where I was, but there was a café, a restaurant, of some sort

My whole body trembled but I managed to walk five steps before I was consumed by darkness

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