Ch. 20: A Mother's Love

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"Seeking the Niceties of Marriage", Ch. 20: A Mother's Love,
by Gratiana Lovelace, September 20, 2021 (Post #1414)(An original Regency Romance story copyrighted by Gratiana Lovelace, 2021; All rights reserved);  [(1) story cover above left]

[Illustrations: I cast my stories as I write them. So from time to time, I will illustrate my story with actors and such, including: Richard Armitage as Lord Edward Carlisle, Daniela Denby-Ashe as Lady Emily Creighton Carlisle, Blake Ritson as Lord Kittredge Wells, Polly Walker as Lady Patience Creighton the Countess of Stoke, Bill Nighy as Lord Nigel Creighton the Earl of Stoke, Christina Cole as Lady Cecily Englewood Wells, and others as noted.]

[Author's Note: This original Regency romance is a work of fiction, and as such, any character names, scenes or other descriptions were written at the creative discretion of this author. And this is a gentle and tender romance (G to PG-13), but with some frank discussions about love and marriage put to humorous effect. This is my disclaimer.]

Ch. 20: A Mother's Love

The following week, even as Lord Kittredge and Lady Cecily Wells extend their wedding trip by journeying to France for a few weeks, the fates are with them. For though as Lord Kittredge and Lady Cecily disembark from their ship at the Port of Calais in France--and Lord Kittredge spies his aunt and uncle the Earl and Countess of Stoke—Lady Emily Creighton Carlisle's parents blessedly do not see the newlyweds as the Creightons board their ship for Dover, England after an extended pleasure trip in France.

Ostensibly, the Creighton's trip to France was expertly coordinated by the astute and experienced husband of thirty years Lord Nigel Creighton in order to give their youngest daughter Lady Emily Creighton Carlisle and her new husband Lord Edward Carlisle some private newlywed time to themselves—without familial intrusion or interference. And with Lord Creighton the only parent in possession of the possible fact that their beloved daughter Lady Emily might gift them with another grandchild in the new year, Lady Patience Creighton is blissfully unaware of that her Grandmama status will be increasing from two to possibly three grandchildren.

But though Lady Patience Creighton was promised by her husband Lord Nigel Creighton a new wardrobe in France—which she delightedly received--she will not be delayed in returning home to England any longer. She wants to congratulate her much loved nephew Lord Kittredge Wells upon his recent and surprisingly quick marriage to Lady Cecily. Though the Wells' ship has literally sailed  to [France] and Lady Patience will be thwarted in that goal.

So it is with the full force of motherly love and devotion, that Lady Patience and Lord Nigel Creighton hurry home to London to see how their daughter Lady Emily Carlisle fares as a newlywed.


The [Creighton's] ship [sailing] from Calais, France took an interminable six hours to reach England due to little wind, but choppy seas making sailing safely quite arduous. And though the Creighton's stayed overnight at Dover, England when they arrived--and then they had two seven hour carriage traveling days to reach London--Lady Patience insists that their first visit the very next day will be to their daughter Lady Emily Creighton Carlisle's new London town home, Carlisle House.

And sensing that their lack of mother-in-law idyll is at an end—especially, since Lord Edward tasked two footmen to watch the Creighton London townhouse night and day for their arrival—their 11 hour warning from 9pm the night before means that the earliest they might expect Lady Emily's parents is in the morning after breakfast.

Of course, mornings until about 12 noon are still a most unfortunate time for dear Lady Emily Creighton Carlisle, due to her virulent with child morning sickness. And if her Mama were to see Lady Emily in that unwell state, Lady Patience [would] know instantly of the [happy event] they anticipate. And Lady Patience would end up trying everyone else's—patience, that is.

For you see, Lady Emily does not feel that she could handle morning sickness with her over bearing Mama fluttering around her. But Lord Edward has a plan to whisk his dear wife two hours away to Wells Castle in the countryside, where they spent their wedding trip—which, as it happens, nicely aligns with his dear wife Lady Emily's wishes, as well.

"Seeking the Niceties of Marriage", by Gratiana Lovelace, 2021 (Done)Where stories live. Discover now