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Namjoon POV

I was blank,so many thoughts were going on in my mind. How can I be so careless. I could feel myself sweating, I completely paled out.

I was thinking of something to say but nothing was coming to my mind , like seriously, this was it, now everyone will come to know about it, this thought got me shivering.

I was brought out of my trance when Jimin called me but my mind was still hazed a bit so I responded "yea....h", then mentally slapped myself for such a broken response.

"Hyung are you okay ? You can tell me something is bothering you hyung " said Jimin with a worried look plastered on his face.

I smiled at how much caring are my members but at the same time I thought that it would be hard.

I said " I was having a slight chest pain so I took some painkillers".

Jimin POV

After listening to this information I was shocked" Hyung you could have told us and we could have taken off if you weren't feeling well".

" Actually I have previously missed many practises and I am falling behind because of that, again another day off would be too much, so I didn't tell anyone about it. I am sorry to get you worried but there's nothing to be worried about " said Namjoonie hyung with an embarrassed face.

" Hyung I hope this isn't about what Hobie Hyung said during practise, he didn't mean it in a way to hurt you but if he did just tell me, I know many ways for a pay back...hehe * mischievous grin* .

" didn't " he said with a small smile.

" And Hyung if you don't feel well next time tell us, ok?"

Namjoon POV

There won't be any next time  I  thought .

"Yep" I replied.

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