Chapter 1

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Denki's pov

Urrgh another day of school... I think to myself as I enter the class room. Don't get me wrong I like UA but I miss the LOV since they are the only people who know that I'm trans other the my bio family who kicked me out right after the incident at the summer camp just right after letting me go back to UA which is when Dabi or dad as I call him found me alone in an dark alley not far from where I used to live. Dabi took me in, instead of turning me down for being trans. I handed Mr.Aizawa my homework for the day for every class he teaches us today. Mr. Aizawa is surprised that I did all my homework and turned it in myself and well I did get some help from Dabi since he cares about me and today I get to go home to the LOV since today is Friday. Mr Aizawa announces that Mineta was expelled, all of the girls cheer as he was WAY worse than me and I flirt with the girls but I never tried to sexually harass them like he did and he would have done the same to me if he knew that I wasn't born a boy. Aizawa also announced that Hitoshi Shinsou would join us replacing the purple pervert. Ohh great just my luck.. another purple haired boy replacing the short pervert.. I thought and then I see him, ohh my lord he's freaking HOT. I thought. I quickly stood up waving at him since Aizawa said that he is going to sit next to me.

Shinsou's pov

My dad told me that I'm going to be in his class, yeey I'm finally in the hero course after all my hard training with my dad plus replacing some short person I think since I don't see the purple grape boy around. But I see a cute blonde boy with black lighting in his hair. I thought to myself. As he waved to me so I'd know where my seat is. "Hi I'm Denki Kaminari." Says Kaminari as I sit down in my seat next to him. "Hitoshi Shinsou" I replied with my usual monotone. The class goes smoothly and after school I go home with my dads. I see Kaminari run off as soon as the last bell rang signalling school being over.

Denki's pov

I ran as fast as I could back to our base since I'm now part of the LOV but no one knows as I'm never seen beside them when they are causing chaos around town. "I'M HOME!!" I yell as I close the door behind me. "How was school my baby boy?" My dad asks. "It was ok. Mineta was expelled finally and we got a new student in class from the general course. He's kinda hot thou" I tell Dabi as I run to him and hug him tightly. "Dad I missed you. How long until I can stop faking being the class idiot?" I say hugging my dad or atleast the person who I look at as my dad. "Few more weeks I think my son and I have a small mission for you my baby boy" Dabi say smiling which btw he only does when talking to me or his boyfriend. "Yeey a mission! What is it dad?" I ask excited because I get a reason to snoop around. "Well it's to find some information on your homeroom teacher Shouta Aizawa. Like if he has kids, if he is married and to who if he is." He says. "Woow Dad that's huge but I can do it!!" I say happy that I got a mission that I can do during school hours and during the stay in the dorms. "Com'on now I made your favourite dinner then we can watch some movies and just enjoy the weekend together." My dad says. "Omg yes that's a great plan dad. Will Hawks visit next time I'm back home please?" I say smiling. "Hehe you really like him and since you asked so nicely, I'll ask him if we can crash at his place over a weekend." Dad says. "Yes I like Hawks dad. He even took me for the internship and work study just to spend some time with me." I say super happy cause I get to spend time with Hawks since he is my dads boyfriend after all.

Dabi's pov

"He did that?" I ask. "Yes dad he did and he is always talking about you whenever it's just me and him. Even Tokoyami doesn't know about you." He answers. "Baby boy pick a movie. I'm gonna get your favourite snacks ready for desert. You're my smart boy." I say as I go over to the kitchen to get his favourite dinner, snacks and drinks ready for our father- son movie time. Hawks was going to be with us this weekend but got a hero mission, so he called almost crying that he couldn't make it this weekend like he wanted to. Gosh I love Kaminari as my son and so does Hawks which is why he took Denki in for his internship and work study. I thought to myself as I brought everything to the living room where Denki had picked out few movies and was putting the Nightmare before Christmas on since it's one of his favourite Tim Burton movie. "Just in time dad I just got the movie ready." My baby boy says smiling. We sit down to eat our food as we cuddle over the movie and when it's almost over we fell asleep in a cuddle, my baby boy slept peacefully in my arms and I couldn't be happier. I have my baby and my amazing hero boyfriend who loves my boy as much as I do.

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