Quick recap on chapter 5

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The first video showed the building Hitoshi Shinsou lived in before he was adopted by Aizawa and Yamada. Hitoshi was 10 when this happened and he was at school so he wasn't home. Someone had made a phone call claiming that there were villains with unknown quirks attacking so naturally the hero's came attacking. Aizawa and Yamada were close by so they went in also. Most of the people who lives there died due to the building falling after Yamada used his quirk.
Next one is basically Endeavour abusing Shoto during training sessions and also attacking Touya nearly killing him for holding around Hawks and kissing him.
Last one was mostly what Denki's bio mom said about Ereasure Head and Present Mic. What she said was. They are terrible hero's, sinners against God, fagotts, they should die and should never have been allowed to get married. She also said that she wouldn't save someone who was gay or just anyone in the lgbtq+ community and that the worst of them all are trans people as they should just live with the gender they were born with and so on. She also called trans people abominations that should die.

So everyone knows I don't hate anyone who is part of the lgbtq+ community!! I'm bisexual/pansexual myself and I don't judge people within the lgbtq+ community based on sexuality I judge personality wise or how you talk to other people so even thou I don't agree on something then I will not force anyone to have same opinions as me ever!!
Also feel free to ask questions or correct my spelling as english is my second language and Icelandic is my first language so if you see anything related to Iceland then it's because I'm from Iceland

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