Fun chapter(not part of the story)

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Kaga wandered through the house, going to the kitchen and checking the fridge for something to drink, hopefully to fill her with energy.


With a sigh, she closed the door and went out back, where she saw Akagi sitting on the chair with something important in her hand.

Kaga: Hey Akagi! Is that the last one?

Akagi: It is...and it's mine


Kaga put her hand out, glaring at Akagi.

Kaga: Give it to aren't taking that today

Akagi frowned and put the object of Kaga's ire down.

Akagi: If you want it, then you'll have to take it

She stood from her plastic chair, turning with Yamato in hand.

Akagi: But you already knew that

Kaga narrowed her eyes even further, grabbing Red Queen.

Kaga: I had a feeling you'd say that...

She slid the chair behind her, getting it out of the way of the soon to be fight.

Akagi: How many times have we done this?

Kaga: Hard to say...countless times since we found that stuff

Akagi smiled, which Kaga responded in kind.

Kaga: Well...

She slammed Red Queen in the ground, reeving the blade.

Kaga: Let's settle this

Akagi held Yamato out in front of her, flicking it out of the sheath.

Enterprise:*sigh* They're at it again aren't they?

Remi: What makes you say that?



Remi: Yeah, I see what you mean...

They both walked further down the base, towards the dorm area where Akagi and Kaga stayed at. Upon arrival, they saw several of the swords women of the base sitting there and watching the fight between the two sisters.

Remi: What's going on here?

Takao: Oh Remi...we're observing the fight to see if we can learn anything from their styles of combat

Remi: Really?

She looked at the fight, watching as Akagi dashed forward and slashed relentlessly, hitting Kaga and spinning into the air with her.

Remi: You're going to learn that?

Takao: Well...more take example off of it

Eugen: I'm here for another reason

Remi: That being?

Eugen: It's entertaining to watch them fight, especially when they quip at each other

Kaga: GAH!!

They looked back to the fight and saw the Yamato pierced through Kaga's stomach.

Akagi: It's past your bedtime little sister

Kaga grit her teeth and ripped the blade out, tearing it away from Akagi and stabbing her right back.

Kaga: And it's a bit early to be exercising old woman

They both savagely grinned and they launched at each other and locked hands. They pushed against each other as Kaga headbutt Akagi, which she returned in kind.



They both blinked, and turned to the building.

Tina was sitting there, drinking the monster energy drink they were fighting over.

She sipped from it and let out a content breath.

Tina: Man, these always hit the spot!



Tina looked over to the two.


Then down at the drink in her hands.


She looked back to them, as she saw their energy start to act up.

Tina: Uh oh...

Akagi: Kaga

Kaga: Yes?

Akagi let go, and ripped out the Yamato that was still embedded in her stomach.

Akagi: Truce?

Kaga picked up the Red Queen, reeving it to the max.

Kaga: Truce

Later that day, they were both enjoying a can of monster, as Tilly went out to buy some more after seeing Tina beaten senseless in front of her.

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