Post Mission

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The planes in the air suddenly exploded into millions of pieces, if one looked close enough, you could see the small pieces of the machines still lingering in the air.

Akagi:'s been a while since I did that

She turned around and smiled at the fleet, all of which were completely dumbfounded at what had happened.

Akagi: Well now, any questions?

Zuikaku: U-Uhh...what in the world...

Akagi: Yeah I figured that's what the general reaction would be

Akagi: I'll give you all some time to collect your thoughts, then ask about what happened

The Yamato started to glow, before Yamato appeared next to Akagi.

Akagi: Yamato? Did you want to relax-...oh

She looked at the super battleship, who was green in the face.

Akagi:...the side of the ship is right there

Yamato nodded weakly before shambling over to the side, hurling out her stomach over the side of Enterprise's carrier.

Akagi: I should have prepared her for that...sorry Yamato!

Yamato: It''s alright

Soon enough, she returned to the blade.

Akagi: I'm heading off to rest in Zui Zui's carrier, any questions you want answered you'll have to go there

She hopped from ship to ship, until reaching Zuikaku's, where she vanished from sight into the ship.


Zuikaku: Zui Zui?!
After composing themselves, Enterprise, Elizabeth, and Zuikaku went to Akagi for answers. What the hell did she do there? How did she do it?

Enterprise: I hope she gives us our answers

Elizabeth: She's changed Enterprise, I believe she will. Zuikaku, what room is she in?

Zuikaku: Hold on....she's just down the hall

Zuikaku took the lead and guided them towards a room near the end of the hallway. When she got too it, she knocked.

Akagi: Come in!

The trio walked into the room, stopping immediately.

Akagi: Is something wrong?

Enterprise: Well...umm-

Q.E: Why are you doing something so scandalous in the middle of a mission?!

She pointed at what Akagi was doing, specifically, who she was doing.

Yamato was lying down on bed, relaxed, while Akagi drowned in the fluff of her tails.

Akagi: We both enjoy it, so we don't mind

Yamato: Especially meee~

Akagi:*sigh* I still forget that your tails are that sensitive. So, questions I presume?

She got out of bed, ignoring the sad whimpers from the battleship. She sat down on a nearby chair, gesturing the others to do the same.

Akagi: So, who's first?

Zuikaku: How about the training?

Akagi: Training...ah, you mean the void!

Q.E: Void?

Akagi: Yep! It's a dimension I found that allows one to control their space freely, meaning if you guys went their, you can do whatever you want in your given space

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