Sirens Never Cry

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Smoke blew out of the barrels of Luce and Ombra, as Akagi and Yamato stared at their fallen foe.

Yamato: So much for last words...

She tossed the gun to Akagi, who caught it and holstered both pistols.

Akagi(PST): Well, guess it's over now...

She powered down, letting out a sigh as she looked at the dead dragon.

Akagi: You know, I could have sworn it was tougher than this

Yamato: Oh it was tough as hell, but you're just too strong compared to it

Akagi: And my body isn't going to rip itself apart from my own power

She knocked on its scales, hearing a dull ringing as she did.

Yamato: Well, you think it's time to head back?

Akagi: Almost, but this thing was doing something that I only now was able to pick up

Yamato: What is it?

Akagi: Something to the north, it feels like a mass of constantly collecting energy

(Empress): It found out about the Tower?!

Akagi: Tower?

SBA glowed, and the Empress appeared.

Empress: We have a central tower that's only used for mass invasions...I'm surprised it was able to find out it worked

(Hermit): It doesn't take much to activate, I'm sure it accidentally did it. It's probably without it ever knowing

Akagi: Hmm...

She looked to the north, smirking.

Akagi: Well, what do we need to do to stop it?

Empress: At this point? Just destroy it, I feel it too and it's far to late into the process

Yamato:'re just going to let her?

Empress laughed and wrapped an arm around Yamato.

Empress: Embracing death made me realize that I've had more fun and made more of an impact traveling with you girls in these short few days than I ever did as the ruler of the Sirens

She let go of Yamato, pointing at SBA instead.

Empress: We all agreed that Akagi has our full support in all her endeavors. Be it against Humans, Demons, Sirens, Monsters...anything that dares come her way

Akagi: Heh...hahahahah!!

She walked to the Empress with a big smile on her face, wrapping her in a hug.

Akagi: Then welcome aboard! I guess that means you're officially apart of the business

She summoned Cavaliere, and Strength was sitting on top of it.

Strength: Well? Let's go! We got a tower to destroy!

Akagi hopped on as the others disappeared, she put the pedal to the metal and blasted off to the north.

Akagi: This is going to be a party!

Several hours have passed as the resident Sirens tuned out the broadcast, especially since Akagi was just driving.

Kaga had awoken, and she almost broke several things trying to get out of the infirmary to "save" Akagi.

She was shown what had happened, and then she calmed down.

Tina and Tilly were just sitting at the stage and relaxing, waiting for the signal to start so they can show what Akagi had told them was going to be "Pure Style"

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