School Couldn't Get Any Better

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You and all your friends are sat outside on a bench, most of your friends are gossiping about the new restaurant in town and some of the boys they've seen go there, you roll your eyes and stand up, grabbing your bag, you check your watch, it's time to go to your first class, English, you despise English, your teacher always annoyed you, but at least it's first period so you can get it out of the way with, you nudge your friend and they get up and walk away from the table with you.

You and your friend are chuckling outside the classroom waiting to be let in, as you turn around your, rather large, teacher is standing there, you side eye your friend and the teacher gives you a dirty look, forcing you into the hell hole. You're sat down on your desk, luckily, your friend is sat next to you on your left, you're against the wall, your friend is munching on a piece of gum which is pissing you off, but you ignore them, your teacher sticks the work on the board and you get on with it.
It's about 30 minutes later, so half an hour into lesson time. You're still in English class, flicking your pen back and forward since you're so bored, you sigh and lean the side of your head against your hand, "-ah, Y/N!" Your teacher says, you look at your teacher, dreading what he's going to ask, "can you repeat what I just said to the class, please?" He asks, "uhhhhhh..." You say, "listen next time, you need to catch up." He says, turning away and continuing the lesson of lecturing the class, your friend next to you nudges you to suggest something like 'how dare you just got told off!' but with a sense of humour towards it, you both laugh quietly and you continue yawning and leaning your head against your, now aching, hand. You hear a few footsteps down the hall, they seem to stop around every minute, you decide to ignore it, maybe it's just another teacher checking how all the classes are in this block are doing, you see blurred figures walk past the blurred glass next to your classroom door, the footsteps get louder, then they stop, your classroom door slowly pushes open, there stands a man in a done up blazer and 2 other men following behind him that are dressed in the exact same suit as the man in front, the man in front gently takes off his, rather extravagant, black shades, this is certainly way more exciting than English, to you at least, your friend seems bored, you slap them on the arm discreetly, they jolt up and look at the men, your still leaning against your hand, it couldn't get better, could it? The man hangs his shades in his blazer pocket and slowly walks into the classroom, his shoes gently clomping against the floor, he stands at the front of the classroom, you notice your teacher is looking at the 3 men strangely, the main man at the front slowly opens his mouth, "is there an, uh, Miss Y/L/N in this room, mh?" The man asks, rather slowly, like he's thinking carefully about his choice of words, "yes, yes there is.." Your teacher says, stuttering, you start to notice everyone is acting rather nervously, which makes you feel worse since the man just said your name, you jolted up as soon as the man said your name, you slowly stand up, "that's, uh, me, sir." You say, being respectful, "ah...Miss Y/L/N, no need to call me sir." He says, you're admiring him and how he looks, you're looking at him up and down, he's rather attractive in your eyes, the man clears his throat and you jump, he caught you checking him out, "may- may I ask who you are?" You cough, awkwardly itching the back of your neck, "ah, I am Agent Smith, these 2 accompany me in my work." Agent Smith says slowly, "well, hello Agent Smith, nice to meet you, but, uh, why were you searching for me?" You ask, "ah..good question, Miss Y/L/N, I'd appreciate it if you'd follow me." Smith says, you look at your teacher, "go on, Y/N." Your teacher says, trying to get these men, and you, out of the room, "alright." You say, you look at your friend and slowly follow Agent Smith, and his 2 'accomplices', leaving your books behind, you look at your class once more time before stepping out the classroom, "please continue following me." Agent Smith says, politely, "can I just say, I'm rather confused." You say, the 2 men walking behind you, you walking behind Agent Smith, "you won't be." He says, he takes you outside and takes you to the school parking area, you pause, "you know, it's pretty dodgy to get into strangers cars." You clear your throat, Agent Smith turns around and looks at you, he sighs and takes his glasses off that he put back on when we left the class, "please, Miss Y/L/N, trust us." He says, you look at him in the eyes....."alright." You huff, getting into the back of his car, Agent Smith is sat next to you and the other two men are sat in the front of the car, you get driven off.
As your sat in the car, you peer out the window, "you are aware you are living in a fake reality, Miss Y/L/N?" Agent Smith asks you, you turn around and look at him, "I was right." You mumble under your breath, "what exactly do you mean, Miss Y/L/N?" He asks you, now he's the confused one, "I've seen so many signs that this reality isn't real, it's all fake, I guessed this, seems I was correct." You say, "seems you were, but what signs, Miss Y/L/N?" Smith asks, "things have been...well, glitching, plus, buildings have been weirdly moving." You say, Agent Smith nods slowly, "well, don't worry, we're going to show you the truth, Miss Y/L/N." He says, you look at him, "why me? Why not any other usual person in my school?" You ask, "because you're one of us, we know that, we've been aware of it for ages, you're the one." He says, "but what about Neo?" You ask, you pause, "ah, you know Neo?" He asks, you nod, "yeah, we used to go out to restaurants together a lot, and then he went missing, at least that's what everybody else said." You sigh, "you know that he isn't missing, don't you, Miss Y/L/N?" He says, you nod, Smith nods back and turns around, he pours a drink into a glass, he passes it to you, it looks unusual, but oh well, you drink it, suddenly, you start choking and then you black out.

You wake up on a hard gravel floor, everything has a green tint to it, you have cuts and scars scratched all over your face, your lying on your back, you spin over onto your front and push yourself up, as you look up, Agent Smith is sat in front of you on a bench, there's buildings surrounding you both, graffiti on some of the bricks, you kneel on your knees and stare at Agent Smith, "is there anything wrong, Miss Y/L/N?" He asks, noticing you staring, "did you just try to assassinate me with a drink?" You ask, he laughs, "no, you are now in another part of the Matrix, where things are now visible to you." He says, you look around, slowly standing up, you clutch onto the arm of the bench, "it's not as interesting as I thought it would be." You sigh, sitting down next to him, "it will be." He says, "I'm surprised you haven't noticed." He says, "noticed what?" You ask, "what you're wearing." He says, you look down at yourself, "god, I look like you now, what's the point in all of this?" You ask, your in a suit, the same as him, and there's a pair of the glasses he wears in the blazer pocket, "you're one of us now, we need some help with Neo, Miss Y/L/N." He says, "I've never met anyone else who despises Neo, I entirely agree." You say, "well, that will help us a bit more." He says, "right, come with me." He says, you both get up and you follow him to where he's taking you.
You're both a train station, it's dark, just one yellow light flickering on and off, which is also making a loud buzzing noise, "Neo, Trinity and Morpheus are all on this train, their next stop, is here." Agent Smith says, you follow him as he sits down on a cold, black bench in the corner of the station, you sit next to him, "now we shall wait and greet Neo, I hope you're good at fighting." He says, looking at you and then looking away, "I don't know, we'll have to see, won't we?" You say, you both hear a train in the distance, you and Smith both look at each other, "won't Neo notice me?" You groan, "yes, yes he will, but that won't stop us, will it?" He says, you nod and smile, the train pulls up opposite you both, you tie your hair up and the train comes to a stop, the door flies open, you see Neo, Trinity and Morpheus all get out, but you both see Trinity and Morpheus rushing off past the stairs, so it's just you, Smith and Neo, but Neo hasn't seen you both yet, "Mr Anderson.." Smith says, Neo turns around and sees you both on the bench, both of you get up and stand opposite Neo on the opposite side of the train station, you and Agent Smith both put your glasses on at the same time, "Smith.." Neo says, "who's your accomplice?" Neo asks, not recognising you, "oh, Neo, Neo, Neo, Neo, Neo.." You say, slowly, chuckling, you adjust your blazer, "Y/N...?" Neo asks, noticing your voice, "bingo." You say, "but why? We used to do everything together." Neo says, "you see Neo, the key word of that sentence, is 'used', I've been introduced to a more fascinating way of life and you left us all." You say, "I HAD TO!" Neo shouts, you sigh and look at Smith, you both rush towards Neo and you, Smith and Neo all start fighting.
A couple of minutes later, Neo is kneeling on the floor, all bloody, and you and Smith are standing opposite Neo, peering down at him, Trinity and Morpheus come back, "we did it, Neo-" Trinity pauses, you and Smith turn around, "Smith.." Morpheus says, "Y/N?" Trinity asks, "who's that?" Morpheus asks, "Neo's old friend." Trinity says, "god, can't you both just shut up?" You say, Trinity and Morpheus pause, they realise you're helping Agent Smith, Morpheus manages to run past you and Smith to check on Neo, so therefore Trinity tries to, but you stab her in her chest, she groans and thumps on the floor, Morpheus pauses, he has Trinity and Neo to look after, Morpheus shoots you in the leg and grabs Trinity, Neo is able to get up so they all rush off, you're groaning, holding your leg, you look at Agent Smith, he helps you both to rush off.

It's the next day, you're been asleep for ages, you wake up on a sofa, Agent Smith is sat opposite you, you look at him, you realise that you're in love with him, but you're not prepared to tell him yet, "thank you for showing me all of this." You say, "you are most welcome, Miss Y/L/N." He says, "so, what will we do next? Oh, I have to go back, I know, I know." You groan, sitting up, your leg wrapped in a bandage that Smith did while you were unconscious, "Miss Y/L/N, you're never going back, we've barely even started." Agent Smith says, you look and feel shocked and excited and Smith smirks at you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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