Chapter Eleven

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"Carina I can't sit here for two weeks, I have work to do" Maya groaned as she sat down on the couch.

"Maya, you need to rest. That means no running around, no work and no stress!"

"Well you're making me stressed" Maya whispered under her breath.

"Okay Maya, I'm going to leave" Carina sighed, She picked her bag up and walked towards the door.

"Carina" Maya groaned "No, come back"

"Maya I understand this is not what you want, I know it's stressful, trust me, this is my job. I hear it daily"

"I know" Maya groaned and fell sideways on the couch landing on her stitches, instantly regretting it as she winced in pain.

"Maya" Carina quickly ran over to her kneeling next to the blonde. "Bambina" she sighed. "Come here" Carina sat next Maya pulling her towards her lap, "lay down". Maya rested her head on Carina's lap, Carina long fingers ran through her blonde hair. Maya's face scrunched up, her eyes closed tightly.

"I can go Maya, if that's what you want? I just need to know you're going to be okay"
Maya didn't reply, she lifted her hand and rested it around Carina's neck, stroking her chin lightly. "I think you should" Maya sighed.

"Okay" Carina whispered, she replaced her legs with a pillow so Maya could be comfortable. "When is Andy coming home?" Carina asked quietly.

"I uh- I haven't told her I'm home"

"Bella, why?" Carina knelt down next to the blonde, Maya avoided eye contact with the Italian.

"I just haven't" Maya snapped. 

Carina placed a soft kiss to Maya's head then left the apartment.

Maya let out a loud grown. She couldn't sit and do nothing, her life was constant. She decided to take a shower to try and de-stress herself.

One steaming hot shower later and Maya still felt like she wanted to punch something. She knew these two weeks were going to be hell. She sat on the couch and turned on the tv, one hour into a horror movie later, she hadn't paid a little bit of attention to so had no clue what was happening. "Fuck this" she went to her bedroom, threw on a hoodie and a pair of jogging bottoms and made her way to her car.

She pulled up to the station, all the engines where there meaning the team should be to.  She walked through the station doors bumping into Andy leaving her office. "Maya, oh my god, you got released? What are you doing here?" Andy asked in shock.

"Uh yeah, I got released this morning"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I uh, I guess I just forgot" Maya shrugged.

"Come in here" Andy directed her into her own office. Andy closed the blinds so they'd have some privacy. Maya sat at her desk, Andy sitting next to her on the desk. "Maya, what's going on?"

"I don't know" Maya sighed

"Where's Carina?"

"I don't know" Maya sighed again, "I kinda snapped at her... and she left"

"What happened Maya?"

"I can't do this, I can't just sit at my apartment for two weeks" she groaned and punched her desk. "That's not who I am Andy, I won a fucking Olympic medal with a sprained ankle. I'm not just going to sit for two weeks, I'm not going to do it. I need to be here, I need to be with my team, I need to support my team. I have work to do" Maya increasing got louder and louder letting her frustration out.

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