Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Morning bambina" Carina soothed, running her fingers through Maya's blonde hair.

"Hmmm" Maya groaned "What time is it?"

"A little past 9" Carina said softly.

"It's too early" the blonde moaned hiding her face in Carina's hand.

"Olympian Maya Bishop saying 9am is to early? Wow what's happening to the world" Carina laughed.

"Stop" Maya whined.

There was a quiet moment, Maya still trying to sleep but Carina trying to wake her up.

"Hey Maya, you know what today is right?" Carina asked awkwardly.

"What?" The blonde groaned.

"It's Wednesday"

Maya lifted her head and looked at her confused.

"It's your fathers funeral bambina"

Maya let out a loud grown, "I don't care, I'm not going"

"Are you sure about that Maya?" Carina asked not wanting to make her mad.

"I don't want to shout at you Carina, so can you drop it" Maya let out a frustrated groaned and left the room

Carina let out a deep sigh and followed Maya to the kitchen where Andy was awake making coffee.

"Oh god, what's wrong with you?" Andy asked.

"Nothing Andy" Maya sighed.

"Ohhhh... it's Wednesday" Andy said with wide eyes, Carina shot her a look of hopelessness.

"Maya" the Latino sighed, "I think you should go"

"I'm not going" Maya argued "Just stop!". The blonde let out a frustrated sigh and walked to the bathroom.

Carina and Andy stood in the kitchen sipping on their coffee. "I tried to talk to her" Carina whispered.

"She's so stubborn, She should go though, I'll go with her"

Suddenly Maya walked back out the bathroom and stared at both the woman staring at her.

"Give me one reason, one fucking reason why I should" Maya snapped.

"Because he's your father Maya, he may have been a cunt but he was still your father" Andy replied.

"Your father was more of a father to me than mine was Andy!"

"I know... but he also had his flaws-""Don't start that shit again, your father was a hero, he was an honourable man. He died saving you Andy! He died saving his team, a true hero. Mine was a wife beater, a master manipulator who took pride in making his own family feel like shit. He disowned his own son! He hit me, he stabbed me, he verbally abused me" Maya yelled, her voice breaking towards the end. She let out a shaky breath and fell against the wall.

Andy let out a deep breath "But throughout all that, you loved him... and he loved you, in his own twisted way. After today that's it, there no more time to say goodbye, you don't have to see him but at least be there. For your mother, I know she wasn't much help throughout it all but he abused her too Maya, she was scared of her own shadow because of that man. He frightened her that much she was scared to defend her own kids"

Maya looked up from the floor, her eyes bloodshot. Carina made her way over "Bambina" she sighed and held her hand.

"We will both be there with you, you have us okay. He can't hurt you anymore bella" Carina soothed. Maya leaned forward resting her head on Carina's chest listening to her heartbeat. After a moment Maya looked up at her girlfriend, "You'll be there?" She sobbed.

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