"ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇʟᴠᴇ"

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This update on the name of The Birthday girl.
Hello lovely people I am back with chapter twelve of Fallen For You. So get ready and enjoy...

The next day it was recess time and everyone was sitting in the canteen

Veer:how were the classes?

Rishi;don't even ask.

Veer:ok I am not asking how was your day Darsh.

Everyone laughed.

Rishi:are you serious man.

Veer: no I am veer Zain

Rishi:ughh I mean won't you ask what happened.

Veer:you only said not to ask.

Rishi:don't ask but I will tell understand like I am just coming from the hell. That sir was continuously giving lecture for legit a hour, I thought I would pass out any moment.

Darsh:he is right our sir made us write total 10 pages and then give an assignment too. I wanted to just crash his head with wall

Sanya:or I wanted to just chop off his tongue so that he can't speak any more. For an hour he kept eating our heads even hell is better.

They said sharing their pain and Aryan laughed.

Aryan:thank god I don't have to attend classes.

Neha:don't worry man after your competition you have to write all the previous work and new work too.

Aryan:what are my friends for I will just copy all your notes or just print them out problem solved.

Aditi:lucky boy. I wish I was in your place and I sing great you know.

Nisha:of course you sing really good that last time when you sang we were about to faint.

Sanya:my ears were paining for two days even after eating pain killers.

Rishi:not only this but the windows glass got a scratch and Mike went off.

Darsh:ya you sing that Well.

Aditi:okay fine you all could have said it straight didn't need to embarrass me.

Neha:leave all this and please think of a plan to catch that person. I can't live my whole life like this.

Nisha:ya how will we catch the criminal.

Rishi:I have a great plan.

Everyone:please no

Rishi:just listen once guys

Everyone: shut up you won't say anything.

Rishi:you all shut up and listen. What we will do is the next time the person will call or send message Sanya will immediately track him down before he throws his sim card this way we can easily catch him.

As he completed, he left the group's mouth and eyes wide open.

Rishi;now are you gonna speak or no. Firstly you all don't listen to me and now aren't even talking.

Aditi:where has the sun rise today? East or west?

Sanya:rishi are you feeling good, do you have fever?

Aryan:I think we should take him to hospital.

Darsh;right who knows he has some deep injury on his head

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