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'Hey no cutting lines!'

Everly yelled at the freshman who sneakily went back into the line acting as though nothing had happened. It was only the second day of school and Eve already missed Blake, Lucilius was no where in sight and she didn't know if that was a good thing or not.

On one note she absolutely loathed to see his face but on the other it was very important that the head boy and class 4 B's rep was around as she had to make sure to give out any worksheets for the first subject period for both classes since he wasn't around.

It was only seven thirty and she was already slacking her shoulders, something she rarely did but with the new freshman still adapting to the school's rules and the junior reps and monitors unfamiliar with how things worked she had to do her job and Lucilius'.

She brightened at the sight of Kayla who was talking to the art club's treasurer, the art club's president was right next to her arms folded on his chest.

When Kayla saw her approaching she finished her conversation with the girl and boy and they left her with a brief goodbye and telling they'd meet up again at lunch.

'Good morning Everly, what's up? You look like you skipped your morning coffee.' She joked, Eve only weakly smiled.

She wasn't used to yelling or screeching so loudly in the morning, Blake never screamed but his deep voice was intimidating enough to get the students in line. The freshman all underestimated her since she looked like a freshman herself.

'I was sorting out the new freshman.' Eve sighed making Kayla hiss in sympathy. 'Do you know where Lucilius is?' She tried not to sound pissed but judging by how Kayla laughed drily Eve guessed her tone was annoyed. 'He's with the soccer team in class 5 B, I think he may tryout for the championship league.' She told cheerfully and Eve wondered if Kayla could hear her gritting her jaw to dust.

While she was here yelling at the top of her lungs, ordering students into their classes like a zoo keeper, running back and forth in the morning after teachers, he was busy chatting with the soccer team!

'Thank you Kayla, I'll see you at lunch.' Eve said with mustered calmness as she speed walked away, swinging her hips unintentionally and her school kitten heels clicking loudly.

Eve was steaming when she saw Lucilius chatting with a senior girl who was shorter than him and seemed to appreciate his towering frame.

Obviously the cheese cracker named Lucilius was either oblivious to her flirting or ignored it.

Either way the tall cactus wasn't interested in her but since he was the infamous Golden Prince of the school it was only befitting his rotting highness that he talk to every girl and boy charmingly. When he saw her approaching he openly rolled his eyes making the girl he was talking to falter her smile and she followed his gaze confused to see it land on Eve and realised his irritation wasn't towards her, thankfully.

'Its seven forty-five, Brooklyn. You should be in class right now.' Snapped Eve remorselessly.

'Its only, like, the second day of school, Evee.' She cooed using the silly nickname.

Another creation of Lucilius.

'Get the "I'm-in-charge" stick out of your ass, go boss some freshman.' She huffed flipping her brown extensions out of her face with long manicured nails whilst looking away. Eve stood taller than her and looked quite scary when she was pissed and she had no problem putting a senior into their place despite the age and yearly gap. She had only opened her mouth to reply when Lucilius interjected.

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