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I was pregnant. The test was positive, I was fucking pregnant. I couldn't even believe it, once I looked at the test I started getting tears in my eyes, I didn't know if it was a good thing of a bad thing, the only thing I could do was scream

"FUUUUUUUCK!!!!" I screamed in a crying voice

"oh shit, babe!!!!" Thomas yelled from downstairs and ran up to the bathroom to find me

"Babe! Baby what's wrong!?!!" He asked and turned me around and started wiping my tears away in panic

"You're going to be a dad..." I said as my voice started to break

"OH MY GOD!!" He yelled and hugged me really tight

"I'M GONNA BE A FATHER BITCHES" he yelled in happiness and kissed me, both of us were crying. Thomas was happy but I didn't know my feelings. He picked me up and ran downstairs with me in his arms

"GUYS WHY ARE YOU CRYING" Ethan asked in a loud voice

"WHATS HAPPENING" Damiano asked

"SAY ITTT" Victoria yelled

"I'M GONNA BE A FATHER!!!" Thomas yelled and Victoria, Ethan and Damiano came in for a group hug while me and Thomas were crying our eyes out

"we need to celebrate this!" Victoria suggested

"fuck yes!" Ethan said

We all went to the backyard and jumped in the pool with our clothes on

"WOOOO" I screamed

I never thought that I would have a child with Thomas, I loved the thought of it and I couldn't wait for my baby to be born

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