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Sophocles: C'mon, Ash! What were you and Lillie up to yesterday? I would've joined you guys!

Ash: I, uh...

Ash peered over Sophocles's shoulder and saw Serena walking away from him and heading back to her desk. 

Ash: We were... out battling!

Sophocles: In the middle of town...?

Ash: Well, I mean, eventually we had to call it a day, so I walked her back-

In the corner of Ash's eye, Serena had jumped from his last statement. 

Lana: Wow Ash, you and Lillie seem to be getting close these days...

Kiawe: Yeah, no fair! We definitely need to have a get together with you both included soon! 

Mallow: The one we had with Serena was so much fun! Wasn't it, Serena?!

Serena is completely dejected from the conversation and is not her cheery self whatsoever. 

Mallow: Serena?

Serena: O-oh.. I'm sorry guys, I'm... not feeling too well today..

Sophocles: Maybe the Alola sun is beating a bit too much...

Lana: Do you need us to take you to the nurse?

Serena: Actually, I think I'm going to head back...

She gets up and heads out of the classroom.

Kiawe: Woah, class didn't even start yet. This must be bad...

Mallow: Ash? Isn't she living with you? You didn't check on her whether she was well enough to come today or something?

Ash: I, uh... No...

Sophocles: Geez, Ash... You should really check on her more often!

Lana: Honestly! Aren't you going to walk her back?

Mallow: Don't forget, she is famous too... We wouldn't want her to be crowded while she's not feeling well.

Kiawe: Well Ash?

Ash: I've... been such a bad friend to her... Alright. Tell the Professor I'll be back, I'll go look for her.

Ash bolts out the door and looks for Serena. She couldn't have gone that far, could she?

To his surprise, Serena was no where to be found. 

He runs to the nurse. She isn't there. He runs to the school lobby. Not there either. Cafeteria, school grounds, outside, nowhere. 

Maybe she went home! Ash begins making his way on the dirt path leading to home. 

As he's running up the hill to his house, at the four way intersection, Lillie is standing underneath the directional sign, with puffy, red eyes. He instinctively stops running up to the house and goes to her. Lillie, despite it being obvious she was crying, feigns a smile.

Ash: Hey! What are you doing here? What's wrong?

Lillie: I, I... Oh Ash...

She breaks down. 

Ash: Lillie! What's the matter?

Lillie: My mom... She... Came back....

Ash was confused.

Ash: She came back? Isn't that a good thing? You've been waiting for her to come back all along!

Lillie: Not when I found out about her reasoning for being gone for so long!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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