Dark Minded

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I wonder would people think of me

Once they find out what's going through my head

I wonder of they're gonna be scared

If they're gonna cry

If they're gonna be concerned

If they they're gonna help me

Or they gonna ignore me

Despise me

Hate me

Kill me

Watch me bleed

Let me die

In my own fucking pain

In my own fucking dark mind

Where I'm trying to escape from

But they ignore me 

Cuz to them I'm another problem

Annoyed to hear

 How much I fucking talk about my problems







It's what I think everyday FUCKING DAY !

Grab a rope 

Grab a cord

Overdose on pills

Starve to death

Cut myself to fucking DEATH !

Now that everyone knows how i fucking feel

I wonder if I'm gonna have anyone else left

That understands the pain I feel

And let me know I'm not going through this alone.

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