Chapter 3

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No one's POV:
All the people, well, demons, unicorns, and Mewmens that were invited started getting ready for the ball. Marco did not want to go however. Of course though, Star made him. Star wore some boots, made her hair into a bun, and wore a matching skirt and shirt. Marco, well Marco just wore what he originally wore at the Blood Moon ball. Star made a portal with her dimensional scissors, and they made it leading to the ball.

Tom's POV:
I put on my suit and made my way to the ballroom. I looked around, looking for him. I didn't spot him though. Maybe he would come later. Yeah.

Marco's POV:
"Ughh, this is the worst place to be Star. Why can't we just go back home?"

"Because I said so."

I rolled my eyes and looked around the room. There were mostly demons, and not much of Mewmens.

"I'm going to get punch while I wait for Pony!" Star said making her way to the punch bowl.

Pony wanted to come along. Star just told her that Tom danced with some guy, and he was going to arrive at the ball soon. We couldn't tell her it was me because of the big mouth she has. I just told her I wouldn't go because I had more important stuff to do. Pony loves drama.

I wandered around. The ball didn't look too bad if I was being honest. It looked quite nice. I wandered somewhere and went to an area where there weren't so many demons or Mewmens. That's when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"We meet again, don't we?" I recognized that voice instantly.

I turned around, scared, and was met with Tom's face.

"Oh uh hey," I said awkwardly.

"You stole my chance of Star and I being soul bonds you know. You owe me a lot."

"What? Nonononono, I meant to grab somebody else's hand yeah. I just accidentally grabbed yours," I nervously said.

"Oh really now? So you didn't want to dance with me?" He asked, lifting my head up by putting his hand on my chin and lifting it up.

I backed away a bit making his hand fall. "Haha yeah. Sorry about that man, it was an honest mistake."

"Me burning you to crisps might also be a honest mistake."

"Wait what?-"

Before Tom could do anything to me, a light shined towards our direction and everybody focused their attention to us.

"Look! It's Tom Lucitor and that guy who danced at the Blood Moon ball!"

"Oh yeah it is them!"

"Please dance together! We would love to see that once again!"

Tom looked over at me. He reached out his hand towards me, he had a cold looking glare on his face. "Shall I take this dance with you?"

"I'm sorry but-" before I could say anything, he grabbed my hand, wrapped his fingers in mine, and slowly started dancing. I had to start dancing too obviously.

We danced while the music played. For some reason. I couldn't stop looking at him. I was able to look away at one point though. What is happening? It's probably just because of the vibe here. Yeah.

Tom's POV:
I don't know why I reached for his hand and wrapped my fingers with his. I couldn't stop starring at him. The way he looked at me. Oh how we danced together. He then looked away. Made me feel, disappointed that he wasn't looking at me. Everything felt so, so, perfect. Wait no. This isn't like me, this is just the Blood Moon curse talking, yeah. I'm not, I don't like him. No.

When we danced [Tom x Marco] [SVTFOE]Where stories live. Discover now